Bad day!

I'm so angry and sad today... can't stop crying... When will this be better... Why the hell did this happen to me??? I just dont want to cry like this any more and be so sad and angry....

These are normal feelings Princess...

Feel my embrace giving you a big hug...somedays it is just let go...

Cyber~prayers and Healing thoughts your way...Colleen

Awwwwww Warrier please don't be sad!!! These crappy days are sent to test us and hopefully make us realise just how great the good days can be.

Hoping tomorrow is a better day !!!!!!

Best Wishes


Yeah, I often have the same, but I realised yesterday that in every situation, pretty much, we have a choice - we can decide to be positive or negative - I decided I am NOT gonna be negative, it is not fair on my loved ones, and after all I am getting better even though it seems to take so long. Just kick those sad, angry thoughts out of your head as soon as you spot them, and say, no, not going there. Then remind yourself of something that has improved in recent weeks. Check this out - - - Recovery International by Dr Abraham Low - it is not about aneurysms but about mood problems, anger, nervousness etc. Some great folk in the chat rooms too. Very good luck, Princess, and let us know how you get on - remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Big hugs, Sally xx

i totally agree with sally, you will get thru this n life will get better..its ok to have a good boohoo just try not to let the boohoo control r goin up for u sweety n just remember you are loved n we are all in this together..positive thoughts..u will get better,,have faith!..xoxo love n prayers coming ur way;)

Princess, You need a great big hug and a shoulder and mine are available. As everyone has said it, we all have bad days, why us and when is going to get better? It will get better and I don't know why, except we where all given a second chance. My psycologist said to me, what are you going to do with your life? I told her I had lots of things I wanted to do and this aneurysm is not going to stop me from doing what I want.

God Bless you, hugs and kisses, Amy

I'm so sorry, Princess, that you are going through this. I have Lorazipam for these days, although I will admit that since my surgery, I haven't been depressed - I have been on Effexor antidepressants since my BC treatment days, which really helps also, I'm sure. Plus, I was coiled and stented, not clipped.

I did have these days during my BC treatment, when I felt absolutely awful with no end in sight. I ended up in a therapy group of women who had been through trauma, whether it was medical, physical, or whatever. It really helped me tremendously. I also started volunteering to help with disabled/or elderly that needed help or companionship. This helped take my mind off my mental and medical problems. Also, I forged good friendships with several of the women from the group who to this day are great to talk to when you need a friend.

Whichever way you choose, or if you choose none of the above, know that life will get better with time. Depression is common with severe medical problems (and worse when it deals with your brain!). And like Colleen said, somedays it is ok to just let go and cry.

Go out and do something you enjoy, even if it is only a walk somewhere beautiful, go watch young children play in a park, play with a beloved pet- whatever gives you peace and good feelings. AND vent - we all need to here occasionally.

Tomorrow will be another day,



I hate that you have had such a bad day. I ditto what everyone else said..Think positive words, like "safe and peaceful", just relax and put yourself on a beach somewhere with soothing waves and puffy clouds that you can just sit on with the bright rays of sunshine dancing on your body. The warmth and sounds will relax you and put you in a happy place. This has been helpful for me recently.

Big Hugs and Love,


you'll get better as time goes on and try not to dwell on things, i find that hard to do also but i refuse to get beat twice !!

karen im going there now!..what a great method of therapy....dreamy place;)...hope ur day is getting better pw

tried effexor it had me up for two days..wound tighter than a 3 day clock..but the ativa/lorazepam works wonders w the panicky feelings i used 2 get...everybodys system is different..but its great they have something out there to try and help how it can..thanks sherri


I'm wrapping my arms around you for a huge hug and letting you know that we all know exactly how you feel! I myself had a horrid past couple of weeks (I just passed my 5 month post op) and thought I should be more along than I am. For about 4 weeks, I was getting terrible headaches, depression, angry, sad, self pity, etc etc etc. I take 11 different meds a day and I think they are all taking their toll on me! I had to cut my work hours in order to be able to function at somewhat of a semi normal capacity. It's very hard for me being a paralegal and not being able to think through the simpliest things that I have done for 30 years, to the point that now I forget words that used to run off my tongue. I can honestly say this annie thing SUCKSSSSSSSSS.

I have finally found a place to go in my mind when I feel overcome with these emotions. Thankfully I do have wonderful doctors who have coddled me through every pain, tear and whatever has come from my new "after annie life"

I urge you to talk to your PCP and get the proper help you need at this point in your recovery. It is the hardest thinking you have come so far and yet feeling like you are walking backwards.

I thank again, my BAF family for getting me through these types of days, for without people like you and all the others who have become my family, I would have never survived the hardest days of my life.

Hoping that your tomorrow and every day that follows gets better and better.



P.W....Hope you are feeling better.....I think you ARE a warrior and admire your immense courage to clip the aneurysm before it ruptured---That IS courage! And I agree that it is OK and normal to "just let go" and have questions, pity parties, etc....and yes, it sucks...Between you and me, if given the option, I am not sure I would have had the courage to clip my aneurysm... This is one reason I look at you as the ultimate warrior

Princess....hugs and prayers.

Can I help you feel better? Depending on the parts, and cranial nerves hit in some brains, my tears are gone... ...I have not cried tears in 8 years....It took years to just to get moisture in my eyes...

My prayers include that tears are a healthy release / recovery step for you.



I often feel like this too, Princess, but we are not gonna let it beat us, are we? Big hugs, Sally xxx

Thanks, Sue, God bless you, your compassion and support really mean a lot. Also I have my dear friend Viv here for a week, we met at infants school when we were 6, 57 years ago, and lived in the same village as kids, she heard I was ill and came out to see me, you can imagine how much fun we are having catching up, and I have to keep cheerful so as not to spoil her visit! All helps. Take care,

Sally xx

Hi Sue, yes, I am having a lot of fun with my friend and I think maybe the dark cloud is starting to lift a bit and I am getting some appetite and stamina back! I have been writing to a little lady called Debbie Joseph on here, she sounds in a pretty bad place and I think - I hope - I have been able to cheer her up a bit. Maybe you could send her a little note too? It's great how we can all help to look after each other on here. How are things with you?

Sally XXX :-D

Hi Sue

Sorry, I only just found your kind reply. Like you, I am still finding my way around this site - and me with a computer expert for a husband! I also go on a UK-based site called Behind the Gray - worth a look!

Were you able to locate Debbie Joseph? Have not heard from her lately and I worry about her, she sounded so unhappy and her husband would not speak to her.

I still have my low days, yesterday was pretty bad, but hey, before that I had a wonderful week with my old schoolfriend, she went home last Thursday, maybe I am just missing her. But next Thursday we have another friend arriving for a few days, he is a round jolly chap, like Father Christmas without the beard, I am sure his company will be cheering. You can't sit around sobbing when you have visitors! Also I read some wise advice on here that you need to let yourself grieve after such a traumatic event, or the emotions will come back to haunt you. Basically I guess itis post-traumatic stress. Anyway - we will keep trucking on. Let me know how you are doing! Sally

Sweetie I am certain this happened to us for a reason… Maybe we were stronger in certain areas but lacking in others… Honestly I don’t know but you are allowed to have those days!! I saud those days and I won’t allow you to have them surpass the days of smiles… Have your bad day and remember tomorrow is a new!!! Now snap into happy mode before I have to come kick your you know what!!!
Loves ya :slight_smile:


I had to reply to this now cus I missed it… I think…haha!!