A weird question

Ok, I realize I'll sound extremely naive with this question but...will my 'brain clip' set off alarms when I go through metal detectors found in government buildings? I'd say airports but I have no plans to ever fly again.

I guess I'll know soon enough. If I 'beep' they'll just wave the wand across my skull...

Not a weird question...wish I can help you out Harley...but I have platinum coils in my head...and it hasn't set anything off to date...although I donot go through the scanners at airport because my dog travels with me...

~ wishing you a good day ~ Colleen

I answered my own question. I went to the county building and asked the guard. He wasn't sure so we tested it. I didn't beep! And I believe my clip is titanium.

Thanks for the response Colleen!

This made me smile <I pictured a guard and girl waiting for a beep from one's head>...You should be able to get a card to carry in your purse from the surgeon that states Titanium clips in head...Mfg., model, etc.,

So Happy you didn't beep...LOL...

Well I had to tell him...I didn't want to get tackled by big burly guards thinking I was being sneaky. Oh good idea on card...adding that to list to ask Doc in few weeks.

Hi Harlylena,

I have a clip as well and mine never went off. I've often wondered though are we lightning rods now with the clips and metal plates in our heads. I suppose not but it's a thought.

LOL! Bonnie that's so funny! The other day I was on the lawn and heard rolling thunder. For a split second I wondered that same thing! Whew...good thing my brain isn't the only one with these thoughts.

Hi HarlyLena,

Your clip is made of Titanium, so no, you will not set off the alarms or buzzers at court houses or government buildings...(well okay you might, but it won't be due to your clipping--lol)!

Take care,


I have three titanium clips and fly all the time and never set off anything. Although I do carry that slip from my neurosurgeon just in case (along with a list from my pharmacy of the meds I take in case customs thinks I'm a drug smuggler :)) Carol

Lol thanks Janet!

Haha! Thanks

I have yet to set off any alarms. I have three titanium clips. I have a medical card that I received from the hospital (stating that I have these clips, and my doctors information) that I use to bypass the full body scanners at the airports.


Hello Harley,That was one of my biggest worry after my Anuresym with the titanium clip in my head, but if ur on Meds like me and ur gonna travel through the Airport have Medical Card from your doctors or a note from your Pharmacies about your Meds..

Thanks Ricky. I did finally go through a scanner in one of the government buildings and held my breath but it didn't set off any alarms. I finally also received a one page data sheet on my clip. I wonder if I can get a wallet sized one...hmmm.

Ok that's good new Harley wallet sized one????But what Meds are you taking???

LOL um no not a new wallet sized Harley. I asked my nurse for information on my clip and she mailed me an 8-1/2"x11" information sheet with code #s. I figured it's something I should keep in case ever needed.