A bit worried

Hi everyone!

I'm a bit worried about my mother, so I was just wondering if anyone has been through anything similiar or knows the facts/info about this.

A few years ago my mother in her 50s had a brain aneurysm that ruptured. She is perfectly fine now except that she gets a bit tried sometimes and is a little forgetful but nothing major.

Recently she had her annual MRI scan check up and the doctor found that her clipped aneurysm has grown a bit (not sure how much) and that she has to go in for another scan to see if it's grown enough to need surgery. Should we be very worried? What are the chances of it rupturing? She can't get the scan till next year so I know she will be worrying.



Hi Melissa ... Unfortunately, I don't think anyone can answer these questions, but your mom's Neurosurgeons...

It is natural to worry .. but until she has the appointment I am not sure there is much she can do... I was coiled 2 years ago...and told that mine haven't occluded and blood is still feeding my aneurysm ...(just a little)...because of so much trauma to my brain...they will not add coils and/or make decisions until 2 years from this past June...I must be wary now for rupture...but I don't stop living....I will not let my aneurysm win...and I hope and pray everyday that in 2 years God ~ willing it will be occluded...and no more surgery...

Pray for mom...that all is good at her appointment..~ Cyber~thoughts your way ~ Colleen

Thanks Colleen, I guess we will just have to wait and see. Really hopin it’s good news.
Bless you x

Melissa...me too...you keep us posted on what you find out and I will keep you and mom in my prayers ~ Colleen

Thanks Jo and Jim. Reassuring to know :slight_smile: