1 month out

It has now been over a month since my surgery. I still am exasuted and have a really hard time getting through the day. I am always exasusted and my head pounds all the time. THe neurosugeon says the headaches are from having high blood pressure since the surgery. THey have put me on meds increased the meds and the blood pressure is still high. I just want to feel better. This has got to be the hardest thing I have ever been through. I still have very fuzzy vision in my left eye. It is just so hard. I wish I know when I would feel better.
It is tough to think that before I had surgery I felt better then I feel now. I just want to get through the day without feeling so bad. Does anyone have any idea how long it takes to feel better?


I had my surgery about 6 1/2 weeks ago. I am starting to feel pretty good. I want my recovery to continue to go well and not suffer any setbacks, so I still take it a little easy. I am not doing anything strenuous and I still rest when I start to feel tired.

I have gotten a few headaches, but nothing like yours since my BP is fine. While my vision is not fuzzy, it does take a little time to focus. I am currently in physical therapy to help with my endurance. I think that is helping me to be able to do more and not be so tired.

Did you have complications from the surgery? If yes, that can extend your recovery time. One thing that I have learned, is that you have to be patient. There have been days that I feel good and I push myself too much. As I tell my kids, my recovery will take as long as it takes. There is no hard set end date. I know that it is frustrating. Just focus on today. I wish you well in your recovery.


Terry thanks for sharing. It makes me feel a little better thinking I am where I should be. I did not have any setbacks as far as I know. I spent 3 weeks in the hospital. 15 days were in the icu. I did not need any physical therapy. My mind does not also work. I forget my words. That is the worst. My eye is just the one. The Annie was gigantic and behind my left eye, and it took several weeks just to open. I can open it now so that is a plus. It is just my blood pressure and the horrid headaches if I could lesson them I would be better. I understand the tiredness. Noise freaks me out a little. I get very overwhelmed and nervous when it is noisy. Oh well I just am trying to vent hoping that makes me feel better. Sometimes when someone else has same issue and tells you it make me feel like I am not alone

My goodness, MB, you are going through a lot! My surgery was 7 months ago, and I have only started merging back into my work very slowly now. It's literally been 7 months of smooth recovery, but taking time. I also had some memory problems at the beginning and aphasia, so seeing a speech pathologist to assist with some minor issues. Feeling very tired still. And headaches everyday! But they seem to be subsiding now... again, all my recovery is taking time, which I need to respect and be patient with. So, I'd like to encourage you to take one day at a time and trust that full recovery is in the works for you!!


I am just over 6 months since my clipping. I am back to work but I am still very tired at night. it is 11:15 pm and I should have been in bed about45 min ago! When I first got home I could barely stay up past 8. You need to sleep as often as you can. It helps. I have some short term memory issues and yes i still search for words. It sounds like you are where you should be. Sleep and more sleep take care and feel better


Hi MB,

I'm sorry you're going thru all this...Did you have--or know you had--super high blood pressure before your surgery ? (and what is considered "high", out of curiousity) ...maybe the doctors can switch your blood pressure meds to something else more tolerable for you, and did they put you on any other medications? I'm glad you're home but it sounds as if there might have been some complications considering they kept you in the hospital so long, (ICU for 15 days seems a bit unusual for a 'no complication' clipping)...I think i'd want to push my doctors regarding the pounding headaches, but one thing is very true is all this does take time with devotion to rest.

Praying for you, Janet


It will be a year for me next month and with this crazy weather we are having, my baro-headaches are super bad now :( I was told by my neuro 1-2 years but then in our FB group there are people on there that still have headaches years and years later, everyone is so different on thier recovery. I am still exhausted everyday and am still learning how to slow down, on the days I slow down, I feel much better. its really hard not multi-tasking :( Hang in there, some days are better than others but just remember that when you feel good, dont over do it! Easier said than done!! :) <3 <3

One month? And you can concentrate enough to complete a sentence? You are doing great!!! I am four months out and it took me an hour to write this, can't stay up past six pm, and can't remember if I ate breakfast. But my headaches only happen when I get tired and my vision gets better every day. Hang in there...it really does get easier just give it a few weeks.

Janet I did not have high blood pressure before the surgery. And the 15days well I did not wake up for 5 days after surgery. I don’t know why that is but it is. I m pushing Doc all the time for answers but not hearing what I would think I should. They put me on a blood pressure med and keep increasing it but it is not bringing it down. I never had it before. He says it is related to the bypass. Cuz they took the vein from my leg and put it in my neck/head. I don’t know what is normal what is not. Doc says I am doing well but r he headaches are rough. They prevent me from doing lots. When this journey started Doc said 8 weeks and I should be able to go to work and it has been over a mi th and I can’t get thru a day never mind think about working any time soon. I just don’t understand the whole thing. Thanks for listening to my venting this hole thing scares me lots. Not feeling good and bing been good before the surgey

Hello MB,

Wow...the fact that you didn't have high blood pressure or issues with it at all before your surgery yet now is sky high..(??) that alone would tick me off....ask your doctor to explain to you in laymens terms WHY your blood pressure is skyrocketing , I mean fine, he did the bypass, but Its unclear to me why your BP would now be higher (If it is due to the bypass method, is this something that is considered 'normal' after getting the bypass?? and they don't know why or what was happening with you while you were 5 days out in ICU??) really, you deserve some real explanations on what you have endured! Did the doctor warn you of the possibility of your BP skyrocketing after the procedure? No explanantion given as WHY the 15 days in ICU?

Sorry MB, I just can't believe all the BS you've gone thru so now its me who's doing the venting! This is frightening stuff, I feel for you greatly! (And since the BP meds are not doing their job, I'd surely think the doctor would try another BP med instead of increasing the MG of the one you're already on)....Peace, Janet

When I first had that bad headache and went to ER...they told me I had High Bp...it was terrible and the headache awful...it took awhile for me to get on the right medication before brain aneurysm's were discovered...however, as the BP took effect I started to feel better with headaches...now I have them from the coils...

Why did you get high Bp from surgery? Did he tell you? Remember you are early in the healing journey...~ Colleen

The neurosurgeon answer to me is he can readmittet to get the blood pressure under control. I have 2 young kids and noone to take care of them so to me that is really not a choice if I can help it at this point. He has been in contact with my primary doc and spoke with them and to be honest they are not any help. Thye are the ones perscribing the BP meds and my next apt. is not for another 4 weeks and having worked in healthcare for many years I have been montioring my own BP and it is stil running high. 150 to 160 / 95 to 105. The resting number concerns me some as it should be much lower. I was never told this could happen. He says it is my bodys way of dealing with the trama. I have no idea I do know that if this headache is truly from BP then it needs to get better cuz I feel like it is going to explde all the time and the pain meds do not touch it it just hurts.. I really need to be able to function at least to do the basis.. Oh well ramble again I go...And if I could get them to change the meds instead of just keep raising the dose then maybe they could find something that works..

hi mb! Yes! I started vitamin b's and they have helped tremendously- I bought them all b3 b6 b12 i'm about halfway thru the bottles and i'll be buying more soon-I also take c and d-3. Please ask your dr first tho- I read scary stuff about b12 and arteries but my dr said it was ok to take. Are you eating well? and sleeping? Before I could not do anything before 3 pm and no I am slowly returning to a more normal pattern. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers~

What BP med do they have you on MB? (Have to re-admit you to the hospital to get your blood pressure under control? Really?) hummmm...why the GP doesn't try something else is beyond me..I think i'd be calling whoever decided on that particular RX (your GP) and i'd be raising hell (however, that may be the typical reaction on my part, I know you have other things going so maybe you don't want to do that ?) at any rate, yeah this is BS! I've personally never heard of a reaction to trauma resulting in sustained high blood pressure but then again, there's a trillion things i've never heard of .....

After I got released from the hospital after my 2006 coiling/coma, I had to literally argue with my Surgeon regarding him prescribing me BP meds (although I realize it should've been my GP , the thing was I didn't HAVE a GP to begin with !) He prescribed me the most archiac, old, old drug (can't recall its name ), but I do know I had to monitor my BP at least 4 times a day and IF on any of the readings my BP was higher then it should be, I had to pop a pill, then another...so on..) at first he told me I didn't need them at all (I have hyper tension mind you, it runs up very high and down to normal all day long, up, down, up )--I believe the last words out of my mouth to the surgeon in 2006 was something to the effect of "Gee, good thing you know how to fix aneurysms but its a shame you don't know how to prevent them--keeps you in business though, right?" (that particular doctor and I obviously butted heads quite some-- lol..)

so another 4 weeks til you see the GP? I'd be hanging on the phone...making the answering service take lengthy messages at lunch time...'cuz this simply is absurd. Remember MB, the doctors work FOR you, not the other way around. Peace, Janet

Hi Reg, just read your reply to MB and wanted to ask you about your headaches. I am 7 months with daily headaches. I wondered what pain medication you are taking? Supplements? Are you doing anything else you think might be helping? I take Tylenol ultra relief 500 mg, which gets rid of the headaches, thank God, but need it sometimes just at night and upon waking, while other times throughout the day.

I've also tried acupuncture, massage and osteopathy. Hard to say if helping much. Love doing the therapies though!

And I'm on supplements.

Look forward to hearing back from you :)


Hello MB, hope you're feeling better today. I had 2 surgeries and it does take time to get better.

It took me 4 months to feel good the 1st time. It's been 5 months since my last clipping and i'm feeling much

better. At first we all feel unwell after surgery, it's still early days for you, but relax and know this too shall

pass. Don't worry, you will recover for the best.

Rest, rest and more rest makes you heal quicker.

God Bless
