Whats a Neurosurgery MDT?

I had my 1st CTA last year. I have a FH of brain aneurysms and I told them my body was telling me I had one (‘stupid woman’ they thought initially) - I just got the location wrong.
The reults went to a MDT meeting and they wanted to do a catheter angiogram.
It’s a long story - I had complicated pregnancies in the 1990s and the dr then said I had sticky blood so when they wanted to do the catheter angiogram last year, I said I was scared I’d have a clot stroke, if a bit of plaque got dislodged.
So it was agreed that instead I’d get another CTA this year. I got another one done 3 weeks ago and they included my neck this time to check for blockages I think.
I’m fine with waiting but every now and then I get so exasperated with the wait. The secretary said the results are in but again need to go to a MDT meeting which they have once a month I think.
It’s good, in a way I suppose, as they’ve not called me in urgently.
Who are involved in a neuro MDT meeting?

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Hey Feefo,
AN MDT meeting is a multiple disciplinary team meeting. What does that mean? In real simple terms it’s a group of dr’s who get together and discuss your case. Whose involved? that really can depend on your specific treatment and your specific needs.
The idea is that for complicated procedures they like to discuss all options, all possible outcomes. So for example there would need to be a neuro, possibly a vascular surgeon. If the patient had weight issues they may need to discuss options with a dietitian or a physiotherapist. All of these different specializations, specific to your needs, get together and plot a course of action.
Having an MDT approach can be a good thing as each specialty has a voice at the meeting and your treatment, care and recovery can be discussed, planned out and be more holistic overall.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team

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Hi FeeFo,

Mind if you can share the size of your aneurysm? How long ago have you discovered it? Has the size changed? Thank you very much in advance. I am asking this for my sister who has been following up with her 2-3 mm aneurysm Supraclinoid/paraophthalmic right ICA for the past three years with CTAs and MRAs. With her most recent one, doc said the size changed to 4mm. Doc also recommended a catheter angiogram. She was worried about it.

Looks like your doctor is very careful to call a MDT meeting. That should be a good sign. Wishing you the best luck. Please share with us with any updates. Thank you very much.

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Thanks Merl. I don’t see anyone other than the neurosurgeon. I’ve been doing a bit of research and speaking with my kids who went with me to the appointments - they said it went the mdt because my neurosrgeon didn’t know how to tackle the aneurysm as it was in a difficult location (???). My memory is a bit iffy.
It’s on my left pcom and I’ve been getting left sided headaches ++. I enjoy cooking comfort food for my kids and that gets me up but I’ve noticed my handeye coordination is off as when I go to pick things up, I miss them and end up spilling eg, opened pots of cream.
I think it’s got bigger.

Hi bibewelove - my one is a 2mm pcom anny.It was picked up via a mri with contrast last year. They did a CTA to get a clearer picture a few weeks later. The results went to a mdt meeting. The neurosurgeon said he wanted to do a catheter angiogram but I was scared as I have plaque in my neck carotids.
He left the report on the screen at the appointment where I got the results and I read it.It said I had both an anny and an infundibulum. The written advice was to offer me a catheter angiogram and then shunt surgery.
But when I said - do I have both? - he clicked off the screen and said ‘no’. He then said - I know you’re a worrier because I kept asking questions. Whether I am or am not a worrier, it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get the full facts.
I went by his 2nd line of advice which was to wait a year and get a repeat CTA. I got that 3 weeks ago. I’m waiting on the results from the 2nd MDT meeting.
I have a strong FH of annys. How old is your sister? I’m in my 50s. Is she scared of the catheter angio for the same reasons? I hope she keeps well and doesnt think about it too much.

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My sister is 63 years old. She had 3 (or maybe 4mm) paraophthalmic aneurysm. I, on the other hand, ‘had’ a 7-8 mm left Ophthalmic left ICA aneurysm. I had it clipped three years ago. (craniotomy, because I am afraid of Pipeline complications with my high cholesterol thing).

Because of my aneurysm finding, she and my younger brother also screened for aneurysm, and sure enough, 3/4 siblings have aneurysms. (High falimilal cause!)

She is afraid of catheter angio might cause strokes. Yes. I think she is afraid of it the same reason like you are.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

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I have high cholesterol but they say it’s not high enough to require treatment but then I don’t understand why I have plaque in my arteries. My diet was awful from childhood till age 33. I was always slim and could get away with eating allsorts. I’m heavier now even though I modified my diet from mid-30s onwards. Geting the craniotomy must have been scary also. I don’t know how I would be in that situation.

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my situation is different. I wanted to do the easy way – pipeline, since I had a wide neck (like a hat) aneurysm. Well, the more I researched online, the more I had doubts that Pipeline was for me. My body rejects a lot of ‘common’ medicines. I don’t know why, maybe my body is very sensitive? Actually, I didn’t wake up like others after the crani until hours later. I read a lot of posts talking about the complications of pipeline and stent, coiling, etc. Then I realized that craniotomy sounds scarier but actually safer to the patients like me. Either I find the best surgeon or none. So I spent a year searching for the best surgeon. (But I have to advise people don’t do that because after care is as important as ‘the hand’ that opens your brain.)

How much ‘plaque’ do you have in your arteries? If you are concerned about the clogging, maybe you can seek for a 2nd opinion? Would you have more freedom to look around for other specialists’ opinion?

I know it might sound crazy, but I honestly searched all over from the east coast to the west coast, north and south. My husband agreed to changed to PPO so I may ‘fly’ around and seek for 2nd opinions. For that, I take back all my complaints about him. :smiley:

Whether you are following up with angiogram or more aggressive methods, please prepare your entire body as though you’d go for a craniotomy. This was one of the advices I took from my friend. That makes sense. We need to prepare our body to the best condition at our ‘current’ age. :smiley: (Actually, we should do that everyday, but I am more relaxed now. haha)

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I totally agree. I try and get my body into the best shape possible but the only exercise I feel is safe is walking. I know my bp is up when I get the left sided headaches. I check it and yes - it’s up. I gave in and started bp medication - ramapril was awful. I take my vitamins and minerals.
I think my body is sensitive also. When I had recent neck pain, they gave me tramadol but I was floored with nausea and dizziness after just one tablet. I lost half a stone in weight but think I’ve put it back on.
Re plaque - I looked through my medical records about 2 years ago. I had a doppler on my neck arteries in 2001 after my dad died. They didn’t tell me then about the plaque; it was only when I checked my records that I saw the report. It didn’t say how much they were clogged by but hope the CTA of brain and neck (the one I had 3 weeks ago) will give a more definitive answer.Not had the results from the MDT meeting yet.

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Hi Feefo,
I had a 7mm basilar tip aneurysm coiled two weeks ago. My endovascular neurosurgeon did the procedure along with an interventional neuroradiologist. Prior to the procedure, I had an angiogram so they could get the best pictures possible as well as to confirm the size. My aneurysm was larger than the CTA showed. They use the angiogram pictures when the team meets to discuss the best plan for treatment. I also have high cholesterol controlled with medication. All went well and I’m feeling pretty good. I’m fortunate to have been referred to amazingly talented doctors. All the best to you.

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