Waiting for my mums operation

My mum is awaiting a brain clipping she has already had the Coil but unfortunately has not worked so now she is waiting to have it done but has being cancelled 3 times due to the lack of hdu beds it is driving us all insane waiting and being canceld enybody having the same problems.

Hi Sophie,

I'll bet the waiting (and the cancellations) ARE driving you guys crazy !! Where are you located, in the UK?

This seems to be the 'normal routine' in the UK.....It is anything but normal to have to go thru it though, I hope she's able to get in soon . Peace to you all as you wait it out,


Prayers for the reduced wait for your mother's open surgery and clip...

Please keep us updated...

so sorry youre enduring these heartwrenching things, keeping you in thoughts and prayers, mom too of course~~

Oh I am so sorry Sophie...this has got to be so hard...imagine how your mother feels about this waiting...Keeping all of you in my Thoughts that all of you won't have to wait much longer ~ Colleen

Thanks guys for replying we live in Leeds Its silly really there shud be more beds I just hope she gets one soon xx