Unruptured Aneursym

Hi I was wondering if anybody else out there has a unruptured annie? I found out about mine last month and am trying to get some support and information. I have a 2.5mm aneursym so not only is it in tact but it is also small. I know for this I am blessed and I am thankful for that. Anybody out there that would like to talk or maybe help guide me through this? What did you do? Did you elect to have surgery? If so which one? Did you take the wait and see approach? How has your unruptured aneursym affected your daily life? Your family?
Thank you all for your time.

Hi Bernadette,

Please go to Groups and look for “Living with an Aneurysm”. I last saw it pn page 2 of the Groups listing. You will find a number of stories there. Mine is one of them. :slight_smile:

Good luck to you in your search for information.


Hi Bernadette...

Carole gave you some great advice ... going to that particular group...

I have 2 annies...1 was leaking and I had to have coiling done (9mm)...the other is 2 mm and Neuro is watching because it is too small to do anything and the risk of surgery is high...I think about it, but not much...the risk of rupture is very low...and I watch my stress, no heavy lifting and I am on Bp meds...I try and live a healthy lifestyle...I hope and pray in time...you become Ok with this annie...~ Cyber~thoughts your way ~ Colleen

Hello Bernadette, Well my aneurysm was found last year on Dec. and I tried getting away with just keeping an eye on it since the annie was only 2mm but the Neurosurgeon said that we couldnt wait because it was high risk of rupturing because of where it was located & because of my family history of ruptured brain aneurysm. So then I had to decide with which procedure I wanted to go with and after getting two bias opinions from two different neurosurgeons on coiling & clipping I went with coiling. I had my procedure done 6wks ago on March 14 and it all went well. But do the research and ask all the questions and never think that a question is too silly enough to ask. Stay Strong I know its hard...I would have my good days & bad days...Some days I would be thankful that I got checked & was going to be able to do something about it & others days I would damn myself for doing so because I was scared. But trust me after I got my follow up MRA results that I got done after my procedure it was one of the biggest reliefs of my life...I was able to breath again. The bomb was defused! My prayers are with you & please stay strong. We are here for you...BIG HUG*

I did it was the first group I joined Thanks

I, too, have an unruptured annie (diagnosed March 7) Had an angiogram last week (went good except have very sore groin; didn't expect or know about that) to determine how to treat it. Mine is 12mm and just over the size of which they want to do something about it. My dr thinks it will be coiled and will confirm that next week. It certainly has taken a toll on me as far as anxiety goes. But each day gets better. Yesterday I happened upon this sight and it's been helpful hearing of others experiences. It's great to know that I'm not alone. I do appreciate my life and family so much more and have slowed down a bit!! Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Hi! I have a small unruptured one as well - 3mm - going today to follow up on my angiogram. I dont know all my details but the Dr did say something briefly after the angiogram that the location and my age maybe i should repair. Ive been stressing about this ever since. I think I really want to repair and have the peace of mind. But I am also afraid of the possible problems that can occur from the procedure. I will keep you posted on how my appointment goes today and my decision - please do the same :)

About this time last year, I was diagnosed with a large unruptured AVM. While treating it (Gamma Knife Radiation, since my AVM isn't a a good candidate for either surgery or coiling), my neurosurgeon found an unruptured aneurysm. The size & shape weren't conducive to coiling, so I opted for clipping via craniotomy. I am so glad I did. My surgeon found a second aneurysm, that was in danger of rupturing after he opened up my head. It had been "hiding" in the previous MRIs & angiograms. He was able to clip it, too.

My surgeon wanted me to have 4 weeks before returning to work after surgery. I'm a teacher, and had the clipping done July 6, so I had 6 weeks before I had to return to work. I was exhausted when I returned to work, and had trouble staying focused at first, but I'm doing great, now.

Even with having another MRI in October, an appt. with a neurologist (to manage migraines) in November, and another Gamma Knife treatment in December, I have still taken fewer sick days this school year than I have in YEARS. The neurologist thinks I would probably have migraines with or without the AVM & annies, but that they were making the migraine issues worse.

I have a few 3mm unruptured annies and my sister has one 5mm, our surgeon said, sit and watch only as the risk for surgery is high.I had a second opinion and he said to clip, so it all depends on the surgeon you see . I went through surgery for one that was 8mm about 7 years ago all went well ,but living with annies is not easy just stay healthy dont smoke or stress too much.

Hi Bernadette, I am 2 weeks post coiling and stenting on my unruptured aneurysm, my first aneurysm ruptured Feb 2011 and my recovery was much harder than this time with elective surgery, ultimately the decision is yours but I personally found it difficult thinking every little ache and pain might be the start of another rupture, my quality of life was suffering in that I was scared to do anything in case I caused another rupture, I wish you luck with your decision making and I am sure your surgeon will help you to make the best one, may God bless you at this time and give you the strength you need in the coming weeks and months, Jill xxx

How did your appt go? I hope it was good. Can you tell me where your Annie is located


Can you tell me where yours was located? I'm just curious as to what makes some small Annie's have a higher chance of rupturing than other ones Thanks

Thanks I'm trying to not stress as much as possible but its hard

thank you so much that's exactly how I feel I know they say that because its so small it probably wont rupture but the chance that it can is what is consuming my daily thoughts I am a single mom of 4 young children I'm scared all the time now

Hi I found out I had an unruptured aneurysm superbowl weekend! I soon had an angiogram which my dr said it was 5 mm and he said I would need to have it clipped because the neck was too wide…I was very scared about this! I did have my surgery on April 12 th…it went well! My surgeon said it was bigger than angiogram showed and its walls were very thin meaning it could have ruptured any time! that is why im glad I had the surgery because he would have never known that even with the angiogram! Recovery isnt quick as I have good and bad days and I do have a PT that comes out to my house fwice a week to help me with my balance! To me I had to have it done! do what you feel is best for you! good luck and let us know how things are going for you…please ask me if you have any questions!

Thanks for.sharing I am anxious all the time even before.this I have been on anti-anxiety medication for.10 years The wait ans.see approach is driving me.crazy I honestly.don't.know.how.to.handle it It doesn't help.that the Dr I saw was a complete.jackass I'm.waiting on a second opinion

The doctor I.saw.was a complete.jackass I.asked.him.where my Annie was located he replied with, That's not important. When I asked if it was in.a dangerous or likely to.rupture.location he said, I don't know.I would.have to look.at your info. Wth? He said don't worry its small you'll probably be fine maybe its not even a aneursym! These.things happen. So natrually I asked him how do I know for sure if it is? What test if any can be done? He said.a anniogram but because its small, only 2.5mm he didn't see the point in doing it!!! Ive had a MRI, MRA and.a CTA. Now this.guy says eh all.those.could.be.wrong. My life has been turned upside.down by this. I have 4 young children that depend only on me I cant have 'maybe' a little.bomb in my head. I'm so upset and confused Help please

Hi Bernadette,

Your doctor's bedside manner definitely leaves a lot to be desired. I encourage you to try to find another doctor with whom you will be more comfortable.

In the meantime, you may want to try to get to the heart what he tried to say so ineloguently. My take on it is "you are correct to be concerned about the annie, however, .............. please don't panic".

Please consider that an angiogram is not without risks nor is any type of treatment of an unruptured annie. There is disagreement among professionals on what size aneurysm needs to be treated immediately and no one knows for sure. If you've not done so already, may I ask you to take a look at the video at http://www.bafsupport.org/video/mayo-clinic-study-on-brain.

I'm so sorry that you are so scared. I know it's stressful to live with unruptured aneursyms but I'm also living proof of the fact that "knowing that have an annie" doesn't mean that the world will end tomorrow.

May I ask you to remember, when you are thinking about your 4 young children, that your ability to care for them could be jeopardized by having additional procedures. The risks of "treatment now" should be carefully to be weighed against the risks of "waiting and watching". After comparing the risks, it is important to be prepared for the "best" and "worse" outcomes in both cases and take the necessary actions to make sure that you and your children will be cared for in either event. And, if you are a praying kind of person, I encourage you to pray for guidance. I believe in miracles. I hope you do, too.

Each of us has to make his/her own decision re: treatment. I pray that God will guide you to make the decision that is right for you and your children.


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