Hello all! I recently found out after an MRA for most likely unrelated headaches that I have a 2 mm Annie (I kinda hate this nickname since my name is Andrea and people call me Annie, ha!). I am 31 with 2 young kids, so to say I am scared would be a massive understatement. I actually have no idea where the aneurysm is located, so I am anxious to talk to the neurosurgeon. I go in on Dec. 19th for a consult. My question is, has anyone here had an unruptured 2 mm Annie treated? Seems most watch and wait. My mother passed away at 52 from complications following aortic aneurysm surgeries. My maternal aunt had an Annie clipped at 37 WHILE pregnant (she and the baby made it through wonderfully). Just looking for others in a similar situation. Loving this site and the support and information. Thanks!!
Again Welcome Andrea...I had a 9mm coiled on my basilar tip...and I have a 2mm behind my left eye...they are watching and waiting...should it get bigger they will do surgery, however, at 2mm they tell me more risk for surgery then rupture...start writing down your questions for Doctors...you will be surprised how you will forget once sitting at the appt...~ wishing you a beautiful Friday ~ Colleen
Hi Andrea. My mum was diagnosed with 3mm brain aneurysm. She lives in Slovakia, where are things taken a bit different way than here. As I noticed. I think they will only watch you here. My guess. As it seems in Uk or Us they don’t do surgeries on 2mm, unless you have family history of brain aneurysm. My mum will have coiling done very soon. when she gave her 100 questions about coiling to doctor (which I told her to ask, as I have done huge research in English), doctor said in 20 years what he is doing coiling he never had bad experience and it is simple thing rather than surgery. He said its not even necessary for me to come from Uk because of that. He said why watch? When we can do coiling and it’s after problem? That doctor is actually someone we know so we know he says truth. Maybe I am wrong and overly positive, but I personally survived hard illnesses and I believe not everything is that bad as other peoples experiences. If you read about brain aneurysm it’s proven that about 5% people have it all their life and don’t know about it. 80-85% of them never grows, yours could be between them! I don’t agree with all those “I am praying for you” here on forum, as when I was reading it for the first time those prayers sounded like “oh my God, that’s very bad, death sentence” in my ears. But that’s just me. I prefer to be positive. I was listening to webinar on Brain Aneurysm Foundation (Facebook) and doctor said , that Brain Aneurysm are these days very common and thanks to techniques and knowledges he can say, they can be watched or coiled or clipped with MINIMUM risk (for huge aneurysms more than 25mm) and people can live completely normal lives with them. That’s how I see your 2mm. I wouldn’t dare to comment on more complex and bigger problems, I am not doctor. But doctor said my mum on her 3mm, that it’s “nothing”, we will sort it out. That’s how I am trying to see it as well…stay positive!!!
Also, I think it’s good they found it. My friend had 2 sisters, both died from ruptured aneurysm, if they would know, they could still be here. I believe Angels are watching over you and maybe that’s the reason you found out! As now you can watch it or have it sorted and live happy life with your kids.
Thanks for your note! I actually feel quite lucky to have found this so we can sort it out as you said :-). I just want to move forward from this and not live in fear and anxiety. I give myself no choice but to be positive and optimistic, and have faith that my neurosurgeon will help me make the best decision. I just wish I had more answers than questions, hopefully on the 19th I will have some clarity!
I feel as if I'm being the bringer of bad news but whatever . mine ruptured may 5 ,2011 at the age of 30 . I was beginning to have a stroke during my coiling procedure . They gave me 9 coils but I needed more . I went back a couple months later but my brain began doing the same thing so he gave me a stent and pulled out then tried round 3 but same thing happened . For ANYONE to imply that any procedure having to do with the brain is " NO BIG DEAL" they would have to be completely foolish . I truly do not intend to frighten you but this is a serious procedure . I could have stroked out during all 3 procedures that I had . Every one is different . My doctor says i have dainty vessels in my brain . people have died during a coiling procedure . I am sorry for being so blunt but I'm being honest and real . These are the facts .
I agree with you Amanda. Coiling is still brain surgery and has very high risks! How large was your aneurysm? With 9+ coils I assume it was large. Have you completed treatment now or are you still battling? So sorry for your hardships, I pray that you have smooth sailing now, you sure deserve it!
My annie was 9 mm . At this point i'm left with the 9 coils and 1 stent because they can't get the rest in there . my annie is about 90% filled . should my coils compact in the future or i spring a leak they will have to try something else . I have very low blood pressure which is good for us with annies . By the way . I am apart of a facebook support group that is AMAZING! Brain aneurysm survivor and caregiver group .Its a private group so outsiders can't see anything . Figured i"d let ya know in case you're interested .
Hello Amanda:
My wife was recently diagnosed with an unruptured aneurysm in the MCA, measuring approx. 6mm. It was discovered as a result of MRA screening, after her sister had a hemorrhagic stroke, caused by a ruptured aneurysm. Did your aneurysm rupture before or during your coiling procedure? My wife and I are struggling to choose the safest, best treatment for her condition; coiling and clipping have both been offered as viable options. I appreciate your sharing your experiences; there is not a ton of information that I’ve found that addresses unruptured aneurysms. Thanks again for sharing your experiences.
Bill ,
My Aneurysm ruptured and I had to have emergency coil embolization . Vasospasm are common after rupture . Doctor said I have dainty vessels which is why is was a tad more difficult . Clipping is obviously very invasive and has serious risks but is a more "final". Some have had their coils compact , some never have any issues with their coils. I was in hospital a couple weeks after rupture but when I went back for more coils I went in on a friday and left the next afternoon . Groin quite sore and bruising all over body from monitoring but overall in great shape . I do know a few people in a different support group that have had unruptured annies coiled . It's a facebook group called Brain aneurysm survivors and caregivers. Best of luck to you and your wife .
Thank you, Amanda.
I believe and I am really sorry what happened to you during coiling procedure. But this was question from woman with 2mm aneurysm and that is woman I gave my answer to. Obviously she won’t have 9coils and her aneurysm is also 5times smaller than 9mm. And that is HUGE difference. Doctor said my mum that in 20years what is his experience with coiling he never had anyone who would have problems after. But who knows, maybe they do it in my country only on very small…I don’t know. Maybe it would be different story if it would be about clipping or bigger sizes. But this conversation begun from woman who has 2mm and with huge possibility she will have it the only watched for many years. I don’t see reason to scare her.