
Anyone sick of being tired???

Yes!!! I am.

Hi Tina. I am sick of being tired, too. Surgery was 7/30/13. When was yours? I’m new here. :slight_smile:

My surgery was June 19th. Each night as I go to bed I think to myself " I am going to make tomorrow count" but tomorrow comes and have to sleep most the day. Grrr… I am determined to set my clock and make it count! I am new here too.

Hang in there Tina! Each one of is different, take the time your body needs to heal. The world will wait for you.

I’m always tired after my Craniotomy! I had my surgery 8/1/13 very close to yours Imansmom. My symptoms started the day of your surgery.

yes, I am exhausted -4yrs post sah, bvitamins seemed to help but brain has fouled that too! prayers of strength 4 us all~~~~-I find if I have a goal I feel a little better~

Well its 7:22am and I am already out of bed! Making it count today! Planning my sons first week of homeschool First grade! Remembering 9/11 too. May you all have a blessed day!

Tired of being Tired...yes Tina...actually any more I have somuch more energy in the early part of the day...but as the day goes on and by evening...I am so beat...at 48 .. I feel like I waged a war...~ but it is my new normal...

Wishing you a good day...and hope you are just alittle less tired...~ Colleen

I am exhausted most of the time. How long does this last?

Yes I am! It’s been 7 months, and I do pray I get my energy back. I was very active, but each day is a little different. I still cannot drive, I am fighting for soc. Sec. And fighting with bill collectors. It takes me a few days to build up the energy to brush my teeth and take a shower. Hopefully public aid or soc. Will come through soon. My prayers to all!

Well…my energy has been better so I have started doing more. The doctors have been taking me off so many prescriptions! YEA! Two weeks ago and I went by myself to get lunch for the family. I have not been on any drive restrictions. I decided to stop in Wal-Mart and get some ketchup for my son…it’s a food group around our house!! Anyway…halfway through Wally World I past out!! I remember feel a little light headed and thinking I needed to sit down…that’s all I remembered. The hospital told me I passed out in the men’s department??? Needless to say…I had 4 days in the hospital with a concussion and huge cut on the back of my head! I have tried to get the video from Wal-Mart per my doctors request…my dr want to see if I had a seizure. Wal-Mart manager has repeated told me he doesn’t think I had a seizure. I try and my husband has tried to get a copy for my doctors but Wally World refuses!! I have told them numerous times that we are not going sue,or anything like that…they don’t even have show me but please let my doctors have a copy and they still will not allow it unless I hire an attorney had have the video passed legal through an attorney!!! Really!! And no lawyer will take me cause they think I want to the sue doctors or hospital or Wal-Mart!! I give up!! They are still slowly taking me off my prescriptions again. I went to the doctor on Wednesday to have my 20+ stitches removed and guess what??? The ER trauma doctor screwed up sewing my head back together so how I have a HUGE bleeding gash on the back on my head!! They can’t re-sew the wound because there is a huge chance of an infection!!! Grrrr… My doctor said the place is looking better but I have to see him twice a week for the next month until is heals over!! Now I am recovering from a major concussion, the open wound, and horrible vertigo issues. I really shouldn’t complain. I have an awesome support group!! My husband has been amazing and hired me nannies to help take care of our small children and a housekeeper once a week. I am blessed. Oh and NOBODY lets me go anywhere by myself!!!

Thanks for sharing the update...on know a "concussion" ... I experienced one last year and talk about "tired"...please take care of YOU.., ~ Colleen

omg x 10 tina!! I;m so sorry your having setbacks I know how it is- being babysat is-by a 13 yr old! I got sewn up wrong too-they used the wrong stitches!!! they never dissolved as I was told! my pcp said these would never dissolve- they are brown, brown colored are the regular type!!! 2 months later my comb got snagged on loop and I realize its been many weeks and something is not right! I often feel dizzy in walmart I think its sensory overload in the bright lights- learned not to look up or across the store- those flourescents kill me. so glad you have support and your improving! Bless you and yours!

Is so good to know I'm not the only one feeling like this, I have the exact same issue with supermarkets, I always have the feeling I'm going to pass out, feel very dizzy with all the visual information, my surgery for the ruptured annie was on July 3, and I'm just tired of feeling so drained out, it's worse by the end of the day, my head starts to feel very heavy, and some days i feel more dizzy then others, I wonder why?

I have just been diagnosed and will have my first face to face with a neurologist tomorrow....is it unusual to be so tired. When I had the episode (last Thursday) I was just totally drained and am still fighting to get some energy....is this normal....?

I am getting stronger everyday but it helps to take a nap in the afternoon. Day is day THREE without a headache!!!

8 months on and I'm still exhausted! I had a craniotomy 8th May 2013 which was unsuccessful and then a successful embolisation 29th June. The headaches started the day after the craniotomy and have had them every day since.

My sleep pattern is shot, I don't fall asleep until after midnight (I was always an early to bed early to rise person) and I sleep in 2/3 hour blocks. If I have a nap in the afternoon I don't seem to have any energy for the rest of the day.

I am fed up of it!

Don't we just crawl in for a nap?

My last comment was in October, I was still felling very tired and had the need to take a nap every day and by the end of the day I was exhausted, but now 7 months after my ruptured annie I feel almost normal, the tiredness seems to be gone and I can go truth the day normally without taking a nap, it was a long journey to get to this point, the only thing that is change is my sleeping pattern, i still wake up in the middle of the night and it's hard to go back to sleep.