"The Beat Goes on... and the beat goes on." 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

Things are going well. It’s been almost ten months since my ruptured brain aneurysm and subarachnoid hemorrhage; since the twenty-five days, I spent in the hospital and my subsequent outpatient therapy. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on various medications and required a cane and a guard belt to walk. It’s been a while since the longest amount of time I could walk before I had to stop to take a break was a two-minute increment. While I still have some slight vision and balance issues, I’ve improved an incredible amount. However, it’s been easier to track the physical recovery because it can be measured. The emotional and mental recovery has been more complicated, but lately, I’ve been doing much better with it. I’ve realized while aspects of my old life still exist, it will be a mostly new existence from here on out. I’ve also started seeing a therapist who specializes in trauma and PTSD. I’m going to start taking Tai Chi to help with my balance. I’m going to volunteer at a hospital nearby to provide support for others with brain injuries, specifically aneurysms, and strokes. I’m much more open to opportunities to be productive. Similarly, I used to have OCD, and my symptoms have gone away. My doctor says there is a precedent of brain trauma removing OCD, so at least that’s a silver lining. Anyway, it’s been a good few weeks, and I look forward to sharing more good experiences with you. If any of you need any support or the chance to vent, don’t hesitate to reach out. All the best, and I wish you well with your recovery.

Great to hear that you are recovering well. I like the idea of volunteering at hospitals or any other place that those of us are recovering from brain injuries. I salute you in your endeavors and wish much success. Keep
us posted:grinning:

Stephen, I. Hearing Sonny and Cher! Give yourself time to heal. And limit how much help you give others so you don’t forget to help yourself.

When I was in Neuro ICU, I was very scared that they didn’t have me walking and I insisted on getting out of bed. Having had surgery the year before to be able to continue walking was all that I could think about. The first time I stood up, I couldn’t remember how to walk. Cindy sang part of the old Christmas song, “put one foot in front of the other”. She had everyone singing as I walked across the floor. There was a woman who even sat up and sang, she hadn’t uttered a word before. She and I would always wave to each other when I took my little walks.

Your story sounds so similar to mine. April 24th was my 3 year anniversary. I feel like changing my birthday to this date because in a way, that is when my “new” life began. I also have problems with PTSD. The hardest thing has been coming to the realization that this is our new life. I think I am finally realizing that I will never be the same. Is that good? Not sure. There are things that I miss doing that I do not think I will be able to get back to. I use to love to garden and would spend all day in my yard. My fatigue will not allow that anymore. We are here, that is what matters and I have to tell myself everyday. I had to have a shunt put in this past September for hydrocephalus. Having a couple of issues with that, but not as bad as SAH. My incision area still gives me problems with pain and no feeling. Enjoyed reading your post.

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Thank you for reaching out! I hope you are all doing well and continue to find opportunities to do wonderful things and share in moments of grace. All the best with everything moving forward.