Talking, humming, other noises

Hi guys! Haven’t been on in a while, mom came home about 2 months ago and boy have I been busy. It’s been around 10 months now since the original incident, (I’ve kind of lost track now) and she’s still improving everyday.

So since my mom has been home, she has been talking a lot more, singing, and humming, mostly to herself. Lately, when we are all having a conversation, she makes constantly makes noise, I’m thinking of how to explain this, like she is in pain I guess, or crying? We always ask her if she is ok, or in pain, and she replies no or I’m ok, then looks at us like “why are you asking me that?” It’s almost like she doesn’t know she’s doing it. Does anybody have any input on this? It seems like when she’s nervous she gets louder, I don’t know. But when we ask her something, she will stop and answer us, then go right back into this humming thing. Thank you in advance for all your thoughts and input!

Thank you for the update...I am so happy your mom is at home...I wish I could help you out ... it almost sounds like a nervous tic...~ remember to take time out for YOU too...~ wishes of better days ahead ~ Colleen

Hi there...Because so many of us have, or have endured what you noted...

Has your mother had the indepth (blanking on name) hearing tests?

Seen a neuro-oph?

Had the neuro-psych exams?

Does she have any of the various aphasias?

Is she able to remember the visits you noted?

Ask the docs about the brain connection to music...

Does she yet undergo therapies?

Just things you may want to ask her doctors...

Prayers for her continued recovery...


Hey Chris !

I've often wondered about you and your mom--really nice to hear an update ! I can't offer any help or solutions for your moms humming...but it sounds as though she certainly has made huge improvements overall, and wow I'll bet you are a busy lady these days (i'm making the assumption that you're your moms caregiver for the most part nowadays)

Its so nice to hear your mom is home ...and I hope you're able to take care of 'you' -(- we know you have been thru one helluva a lot this past year ! )

Try not to be a stranger,



Hi Littleblondechris, I am so glad that your mom is at home,now for 2 months. And she is improving daily. I don’t think she is pain when she’s humming. Because you’ll have asked her, if she’s in pain, and she responded, by saying no. Maybe it’s a way of showing that she’s happy and feels good, to be home, sweet home. Did she hummed whilst, she was in the hospital? I don’t think so. She wasn’t happy there. Maybe eventually,it will go away. Meanwhile there’s no harm being done by her humming. She understands everything that’s going on. And her health is improving. Stop worrying Chris, count your blessings and enjoyed your mom’s homecoming. I know how stressful, its been for the past 10 months for your family and you. My thoughts, and prayers are with your mom and you.

Hello I just want to say that your moms happy. its been almost six months since my surgery and I noticed that I hum alot and sing I do it cause im happy. Ive never done it before but my life changed drastically now im happy to be alive. So if she feels like me then theres no worries. Just live life to the fullest. God bless and take care of yourselfs.

Hi Chris,

So happy that your mom is home! It seems that she is doing great. I think of your all the time.

My mom is well too. I went back to Asia to see her in May and that was the time she started to respond more and more consistent. My mom also gave me the"why are you asking me that?" look when I asked her some questions; I took that as part of her personality or her brain/ body working differently after a major trauma. As long as she says she is ok, I wouldn't too worry. Or check with a doctor just in case- does she do regular followups now?

My mom is now in a nursing home and doing physical therapy since my dad cannot take care of her by himself. She is off the ventilator now but the doctor keeps her trache capped just in case. Hopefully she can get rid of it so she can start speaking. I am also hoping her body is more stable so she can travel with my dad again to the States. I will update more.

Hi Emily,

Been thinking about both you and Chris and your both of your moms--glad to hear that your mom is doing alright as well---glad you got to go back to see her in May, i'll bet that was great for you and her both! Keep us updated, take care


Hi Emily! I was going to write you the other day too see how you were doing! I am so happy you got to see your mom! It sounds like we are going through the same stages! My mom will answer questions, sometimes accurately, sometimes not. (I asked her what year it was and who was the president, she replied 1997 and Clinton) Then I gently remind her, and she looks at my like "oh yeah that's right!" She doesn't really conversate, although I can tell she really wants too. I miss talking like we used too. Sept 12th will be one year since her anuersym. This whole year has been unreal. I'm sure you can relate.

I think about your mom and family too, and pray for her recovery as well. It sounds like she is on her way to recovery! Please keep me updated on her progress!

Thanks for all your responses and well wishes! As always I find so much comfort coming on here reading everything... Its easy to get discouraged and be down sometimes. My mom knows what she wants to say, she just can't get it out! I forgot to mention one more hurdle, she was recently diagnosed with multiple myloma, cancer in her blood I guess but we caught it early and we hopefully are almost finished with chemo. Its been quite a few months to say the least. But she's doing great, and are determined to get through this! Thanks to all of you again, and all your prayers!

hi lbc!! good to see u again! first I wanted to say hi but sorry I have no real answers, but I can say when the brain suffers damages some pretty odd things can happen. Also those who are declining in the nursing home I worked at often did this so I find this interesting topic. One lady sang loud every morning and was sooo funny- she reversed all the verbs and nouns like this--- " show me the home to go way, cause im bed and I wanna go to tired--lol she sang the whole song this way never slipping up!! So I asked the social worker was this lady a singer or music teacher?? and she laughed noooo - she also wondered and asked her family

Also in rehab a lady with tbi cursed like a drunken sailor and I said wow!! the therapist explained this lady never cursed her whole entire life!!

I googled excessive humming and saw some interesting stuff- one article said they are attempting to communicate , anyways i'm so happy your mom is home, keeping you all in thoughts and prayers~~

oh geez, I am so sorry lbc. re cancer, prayers of strength and fortitude~~

My curse words aren't nearly as shy as they used to be. Not in an angry way, just in conversation. I notice it myself.