Swollen optic nerve - behind rt eye where coils are

Thinking and praying for you Jaycie...

Hope things go well at your appt today...

Keep us posted...Hugs...Healing thoughts your way...Colleen

Thanks guys and gals -

Had my MRI of brain and orbits this morning, neuro-opth appt is in a few hrs. Will keep you posted. What an exciting day@ Oh Joy!!!

Make sure ou post again. I’ll be thinking of you and checking back.

Jaycie...want you to know you have been in thoughts and prayers ...


The plot thickens (or doesn't). The neuro-opth was great, and said everything with my eyes is normal and fine - that if there was swelling of the nerve on Thurs, there isn't any now, and everything else checks out fine. Also, the MRI of brain and orbits was normal too (thank God). The neuro-opthamologist doesn;t have a way to explain the pain based on anything involving my eyes - he says it's more likely related to the surgery. And of course, the surgeon has already told me that it isn't related to the surgery! The neuro-opth said that usually surgery effects occur sooner, but that still, the surgery was just 7mos ago so this still could be related. I also have to wonder if it's related to the angio I had 4 weeks ago.

Anyway - I'm SO SO happy that my eyes are okay - and to have been checked out to thoroughly and so quickly. Given that the swelling is gone, he imagines the discomfort will go away within a few weeks (if not sooner). And if not, back to neurologist - since we do now know it's not an eye problem.

My eye is a little less painful today. And as far as the double vision in my R eye....nobody is concerned, just need glasses.

What a day --- If this completely goes away, I never need to know what caused it!

Thanks for all the support!!!

This is wonderful news Jaycie!!...When do you see your doc again?

I hope that in time it gets better and better for you..I have to say I honestly don't believe that these docs know every side effect that comes with coiling or clipping.

They learn from us!

Keeping you in my prayers cyber friend :-)



Hi Jaycie...how frustrating for you? I think Doctors just don't know what to expect with annie's...and I feel like you...Can any of this be related to the angio you just had a couple of weeks ago...? You know everyone is different and everyone reacts differently to tests...dyes, radiation, etc., but the medical field doesn't seem to want to "go there..." .. for now...

I would write down anything that worsens or gets better...incase, you must go back to the surgeon...

Gotcha in my Thoughts sweetie...hope today is a better one...Hugs Colleen

I'm happy for you, the stress level has got to be much better. Healing will take time and hopefully your results will be soon.

My instinct is that it was/is some reaction to the angiogram - the timing is too suspicious - symptoms started about 3wks post angio. As long as it goes away (which it seems to be doing) then I'm fine. It is frustrating though ---- all the stories here of symptoms that many docs don't want to attribute to surgery etc.

Today I just have a headache - but that's not abnormal even pre-aneurysm! So I'm having some strong coffee and took some tylenol - will be fine!

How are you?

Thanks Gerald - I can tell already that it’s getting better. Just a frustrating process — I just want to feel better YESTERDAY!!! Goal…yoga on Friday :slight_smile:

THanks Kimberley -

No set appt w/ my doc --- YAY! I just follow up w my opthamologist in a few weeks to finally cave in and get glasses! That day was coming even pre-aneurysm!

And I agree - the docs do learn from us - when they let themselves!

I haven’t forgotten that I still owe you an address!

Hi Jaycie...

I am doing good this week...I had a bad last week of headaches and neck pain...so I feel for you today...

My anxiety is high because the 14th is getting closer...getting to the beach a few days ... will do good for hubby and myself...I will be so glad when this angio is over...

I must say...I sorta have the same instinct...and not against medically people, but it is the hardest thing to convince them of any type of reaction...ie., my mom has eye disease "macular degenerative disease" ... anyways...she took the treatment a few years ago...injecting (cancer drug) in eye...Ugh...! After about 6 treatments...my mom started having some strange things happen ... one was bp was spiking...Doc said...No drug to small of amounts...wouldn't do this...well she gave up on them for 1 year...went for another treatment and sure enough...now she had swelling in her face...now Doctor says...well it could be...a reaction, but highly doubt...see...if no one else yet ... because it is a new treatment...well it couldn't be the procedure... sorry I went on and on...hahaha...!

Just keep healing...and in the long run this is what is important...

One good thing...I am now living day "one at a time" never did this before surgery, but now my brain doesn't think so long term anymore...so .. this is very good for me...

You take care of that headache...and know that someone on another far~away coast...is sending healing thoughts your way...Hugs Colleen

quite unlikely.....profile pic will remain a pool...

I am glad that they didn’t find anything worrisome and I think your suspicions are probably right that it all had to do with the dye. I hope you continue to recover quickly :slight_smile:

Jaycie, so pleased for you...watch those symptoms / changes...

We could talk a lot some day on angiograms...

Thanks for keeping us posted...


I had a rupture May 22 and got coiled. I have the same problem behind my right eye but here is the sticky part. The eye pressure was there before the rupture. I have had problem for years with sinus swelling due to allergic reaction. Nasalcort brings temporary relief. Now the headaches from the aneurhism and the sinus thing kinda feed off one another. I am going to see my allergy doc on Tuesday. Might be worth checking out. Unfortunately one bit of illness does not gives us a pass on all the others.

I am right with you on the Mindfulness meditation! It has greatly improved my life !