Regaining memory after Brain surgery amnesia

I have had remarkable success after suffering complete post op amnesia and would like to share my methods that seem to have been successful. I graduated with 660 people in my high school class. I. Was class president. My 47th class reunion occurred when I was in a coma post op. We had a mini. reunion. At my request. Immediately after my discharge after a year of a coma, and post op meningitis. Ii concentrated on seeing. Old friends and coworkers, it seems to have worked wonders. I am told. By friends and family. I was in hospital from 7 /1/14 until 12/18/2014 was a one on one patient for entire hospitalization and 5 Rehab stays. I am debt free. My spouse stayed with me or in Hotel and when I woke up I had no bills and my savings were intact. Home was 100 miles away The story of how we did this is remarkable and worth telling and hearing, especially for patients and families and care givers.would like to share. It is sinful that I can’t find the appropriate forum. This story deserves to be told.

Butterfly...welcome...I hope you will write/publish your story ...

Yes, please write it and get it published. I wonder if other means can also help-like Skyping with friends and relatives at a distance.

In Georgia you must be seizure free for 6 months to drive St
Tate law. I am currently in my second 6 month waiting perio
d. I follow my neurologist advice my last seizures were cau
sed by low potassium level which is not uncommon afterusi
Ng Prilosec for Gerd I have a farm and drive a tractor with
Caution and new seat belt.i am very conservative with my
Activity and farm equipment. I do not have a death wish
Love living, wife, children and grand children, and a career i
n health care. Not interested in hurting any one after a
Seizure while driving. My wife does the large majority of
Driving me to see Doctors for appointments. I have
Awakened in several hospitals after seizures. Not knowing
How I got there. I am only here because of my wife of 47
Years. My advice is to stay married as long as you
True to your vows. Hope this helps. Butterfly