Question about websites or blogs!?

Good morning everyone! It is another beautiful day that I have been able to say good morning to my family and to everyone else. I just have a question to the rest of you on here. Does anyone on here have a website or blog they have started and if so what did they use to start it. I am currently thinking about starting a website or blog, not only to educate people about brain aneurysm awareness but to possibly sell the jewelry and other things I have been making in my spare time. I have alot of spare time since I am unable to work right now so I am making brain aneurysm survivor and awareness things like jewelry and other crafting items. Does anyone else out there have websites or blogs? and if so what or where did they go to begin the process. There are so many options out there and I do not know where to begin??!! God bless you all and thanks for any input you may have.


Hi Missy...

Not me...spend enough time at this site...trying to "pay it forward"...I am sure there will be other's that will respond to you...

Have a Beautiful day and Good Luck...~ Colleen

I don’t have a blog anymore, but I too have been thinking of writing again now that I finally feel like I can see the light in this recovery. Blogger, Wordpress, and Tumblr are good blogging platforms. Tumblr is neat, and fun. I’d look into those if I were you! It’s cathartic to share your story. Good luck, and keep us updated.