Prone to more aneurysms

I have a question o had my aneurysm coiled Feb 10th 2014 I thought that was the end of that. Still suffering with everyday obstacles and extreme bad headaches dizziness high blood pressure anxiety depression and a whole lot more stress etc…
On March 6th 2015 I went in to my neurosurgeon for an annual angiogram. On thus day I never thought I will hear these words "you have another aneurysm " which was to small to treat. But that send me over the top not only do I still suffer with all these health issues but now another aneurysm.

My question is since a person has one aneurysm are they prone to get more ? Like I have two now ( which worries me everyday )
Am I prone for more ?
Another question is are they avoidable? Which I think I know the answer to that (not avoidable). One last question ,
My first aneurysm grew from 3mm to 7mm in less then a week. Do u think thus one will grow as fast ?

I had mine clipped last Nov 6 and me doctor told me at my age 45 there was about a 1 in 30000 chance I would develop another one. I am fully released and was told any follow up testing would be more dangerous and to go live my life. That is what I am doing. I would ask some follow up questions with my nuero surgeon and have them tell you the facts. As age etc plays a roll in these as well. At least that is what was explained to me.

Jeanette, the BAF says it’s rare to have a second aneurysm. 10-15% I had a second one and since I ruptured with the first, she coiled the second. Have no idea how this one will grow. But your doctor is aware of it and your body. Trust that the doctor will do what’s right for you. Try to do things that don’t focus your life around an aneurysm, reduce your stress, perhaps hook up with a therapist trained in Neuro issues and CBT. Just do a Google search in your area. Good luck:)

I had two both were found at time of rupture had another scan 9years and 1month later as I was having headaches and dizziness (took nine years for drs to take me seriously) however everything was fine then sorry I cannot be of more help xxx

Thank you all it helps.
It’s hard to not focus on the aneurysms when all these health issues are on high alert all day everyday still not used to this new life. I never even experienced the flu.
I was so energetic and always out doing outdoorsy stuff…but that’s all changed now so moving forward I’m working on trying to focus less on these life changing events. Not easy at all,

Jeanette, I ruptured 11.7.2013. Just in March this year, I wanted to try hang gliding for the first time while at OBX. One call to the Neurosurgeon and we got the okay! I’ll have to wait for that new adventure…it started raining shortly after the return call and rained the rest of the time we were there. Next time we go somewhere, I’m going to look at what that place offers and call for the okay before we go…work with a good Neurologist for your headaches. The outdoors will be there waiting for you.

That’s sounds amazing. I would love to do that sorry it rained but love the enthusiasm hope u get to do it please let me know how that feels when u do do it. It’s an adventure just getting out the door sometimes. I started driving and felt a bit comfortable then the worse happened I got into an accident in my new car that my hubby bought me it was a gift to make me feel better now since the accident and totaling my new car which is fixed now but going places and doing things like hang gliding is not on the schedule as of yet the most I do is go to see my son play baseball which brings enjoyment to my heart. I just came back from Cancun Mexico with hubby and friends but that was more to relax I so wanted to do jet skiing like we used to but couldn’t bring myself to getting on but we r going on a cruise hopefully in July and I have to do something risky and fun so I will keep hang gliding in mind