
Brian Ruddy

Hi Brian, thank you for posting this picture. When did you have your surgery?

Jan 19, 2009 was the coiling and a year later I had the clipping. I am now medically retired at 39. Living on social security and long term disability through Locheed Martin. I use to be an Engineer for Locheed Martin. Now I am a stay at home Daddy. How are you doing. I have no short term memory, however my longterm memory is slowly coming back.

We are ok. My husband had his coiling 4 years ago after his acom annie ruptured and now the neck is growing again so he is going in for surgery to have his clipped Wed. Nov. 30th. He has a choice between having it stented with more coils or clipped, he has chosen clipped.. I pray we are taking the right direction. I'm sorry your short term memory is gone but how awesome your long term memory is coming back. Did your aneurysm rupture?

I had two surgeries, first was the rupture, Jan 19, 2009. The second was June, 2009.