My Latest Neuro notes After my 6month Angio

One of my daughters' birthdays is Sept 13 too! She'll be 6 this year. :)

One last thing - my biggest leap of faith was going to my surgeon in AZ (I live in WA), out of network, and not paid for by my insurance. I knew ahead of time (like a couple days), but still had to come up with even more money at the last minute (from the airport, no joke). It was $109,000 and some change. Plus other fees, but my surgeon waived his (thank you Dr. Albequerque! I will repay you first if I win my lawsuit). I am currently doing just fine financially, thanks to my faith and the outpouring of family and friends. I do not regret for a minute making the choice to go to the best doctor for my case, and saving my own life, despite what the money-grubbing insurance people wanted to do (wait, give me crappy doctors, and offer a ridiculous alternative option that probably would've killed me, or worse, and yes there's worse than dying). All the stress of phone call after frustrating phone call, trip after long distance trip, pain and recovery, follow up after follow up, was worth it. I'm still here, telling my story, and being a momma to my girls. That's what matters. anything, dosage relates .... I would be lost w/o my morning cup of coffee...w/a 1/4 tsp cinnamon in it...


You were blessed...have much more to share...
