Additional coiling and Stent placement

My husband had a ruptured aneurysm with coiling
in May 2018. He spent 17 days in the hospital. He
had a wonderful recovery with only
Double vision that lasted about 6 weeks.
He has returned to work full time. He
had angiogram done in December in
Which neurosurgeon recommended
Additional coiling and Stent placement.
He is scheduled for procedure tomorrow
Morning. I am very nervous about this.
Anyone have any advice or stories of
Having this done. Thanks.

I understand what you are experiencing. My wife had an angiogram at the six-month mark, and she needed additional coiling and a stent as well. The whole experience was very good. They kept her in the hospital overnight, and she was free to go in the morning. She last month celebrated seven years since the rupture. She had to be in the hospital a little over seven weeks at that time, so an overnight stay seemed quite minor. I wish you well and will pray for you.

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Thank you. Glad she is doing well.

Hi, I had the coiling and stent procedure in Dec. to treat a large unruptured aneurysm. All went well. I was out of the hospital the next day and I am having my first follow up appointment on Friday. Having 2 stents, I am on 2 blood thinners until July. Then I may be able to go off them. Hoping all goes well with your procedure,

I went to ER with horrible vertigo in April of '16. They did MRI to rule out stroke, no stroke but they found a 15mm unruptured aneurysm in my brain. That was coiled in May of '16. Yearly check ups showed erosion of neck of aneurysm. in '18. Had more coils placed and a stint put in artery Sept of '18. All seems well but for the retinal migraines which I have been getting in left eye since initial coiling. Never have had them prior to coiling and they stopped while I was on plavix prior to and following 2nd coiling/stint. Lgorgy, trusting your husband’s procedure went well.

My husband had his coiling and Stent placement on Tuesday morning. He did wonderful. Spent the night in the neuro icu and released on Wednesday morning. He will follow up with neurosurgeon in 2 weeks and be released to return to work.

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Wonderful news. I just had my follow up after the coiling and stent procedure and all is well. Hopefully, your husband will continue to make good progress too.


I have been told that I may need more coils some time in the future. That is one of the complications with the coiling and stent procedure. The good part of this procedure is the short recovery time. I was also out of the hospital the day following the procedure.


Dear Igorby,

I was operated upon for an unruptured Aneurysm by coiling procedure in Mar 2014 by Coiling.

In an incidental diagnosis (MRI/MRA followed by Digital Subtraction Angiogram (DSA) in Jul 2018, it had grown from 4.2 pre coiling stage to 6.2 mm. The neurosurgeon and the neuro interventionist suggested that additional coils be added to close the aneurysm and place a stent. Stent would support the coils and prevent their migration into the artery of the brain while strengthening the blood vessel at the same time.

The procedure was carried out on 14 Sep.
The neuro-interventionist performed for the first time the procedure lasting over five hours, using one stent instead of two, and, packed the aneurysm well. Using two stents besides being costly would have also meant more foreign material in the brain which my neuro-interventionist considered.

The preventive medication were withdrawn in stages within three months. My three month review was OK and now await six monthly review in Mar 2019. I am now on an anti coagulant and a blood thinner.

Compared to last time the recovery is quicker, my performance is better and I am doing well on all domains of cognitive, emotional, behavioural and physical aspects.

My suggestion would be to follow the post procedure instructions and follow up meticulously. Allow complete rest and take activities gradually.

With best wishes and warm regards,
New Delhi, India
Between the two procedures in Mar 2014 and Sep 2018, I completed MA in Psychology (with clinical specialization) , met my internship requirement and carried out research on elderly homeless (comparative levels of stress, anxiety and depression levels) sampling 60 people in two groups. I could conduct training in Neuro -Linguistic Programming (NLP) lasting over 24 days spread over 5-6 months.

Simultaneously, I worked with my skills of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (of which I am a trainer and a coach)complementing with Vipassana meditation, Reiki, Pranayama and Mindfulness exercises.

Inspired by my first recovery, the treating neurosurgeon, requested me to choose " Acquired Brain Injuries Rehabilitation" as my topic for Ph.D. A Linguistic Professor who is my co-guide now helped me conceive it. I started my Ph.D. in Psychology (Part Time) in Jan 2017. I am now in my fifth semester. My intervention design is approved. I am awaiting to present to ethics committee and onwards to pilot study.

In summary, my previous experience, studies and models created during the first recovery came fast without any effort this time (unconscious competence).

I understand some issues take time to settle down and I do not get perturbed. These issues could be cognitive, emotional and so on. My own rehabilitation regimen takes care of cognition, emotional state management, flexibility in responses, memory issues. Infact, this time all my higher order cognitive , memory functions are performing at a high level. I could take a neuropsychological assessment at one year post procedure to compare with my earlier ones for academic interests.