Monique's experience

My sister died from a brain aneurysm when she was 15 and I was 12. She got up after lunch, walked in the bathroom and dropped dead. 40 years later, I had a SAH on 7/15/13. I felt like someone pinched and twisted my scalp on the right side in the back. I told my husband to call 911 because I was having an aneurysm. I have no idea how I knew, but I did. We called 911 and I told them I was having an aneurysm and they told me I wasn't because I would not be talking as I was. However, when we got to the hospital, they learned that I was right. As we waited for the ambulance, I lost feeling in my arms and legs, bit by bit. First my hands, then my feet and legs and I saw shiny, silver rings around my eyes. I could see, but the silver rings were flashing and the light was blinding.

The surgeons first put in a shunt to drain all of the blood and fluid and the next day, they clamped my aneurysm. I spent 3 weeks in ICU and another in Rehab. In ICU I was recovery well, talking, eating, visiting and then they gave me anti-seizure medicine that I had a violent reaction to - temperature of 104, muscle stiffness, among other symptoms. I was stripped down and placed on an ice bed for 12 hours and I was told that I screamed the entire time. The doctors told my family it didn't look good, but I survived the night thanks to a doctor that recognized my symptoms and knew what medicine caused them. A couple days later, they opened my head up again and installed a shunt. A week later I was sent to Rehab, but I was doing pretty good so I only stayed about 1.5 weeks. I am now home and scared its going to happen again. I am so nervous that my doctor put me on anti-anxiety pills because my BP is quite elevated and they think my anxiety is a big part of it. I didn't have high BP before this. I take about 4 pills per day. I have headaches daily, but they are getting lighter. In fact today, my headache was very light, barely there. I'm almost a month out of the hospital, so I think I may be getting better. I also have a slight pull to my left when I walk. it's like my body wants to go left. I am finally able to stay awake for more then 2 hours. I was told the sleepiness was to be expected, but it drove me nuts so I'm glad that seems to be getting better.


Your anxiety is not surprising given all you went through but let me reassure you that if you had a second aneurysm your surgeon would have told you or your husband so rest assured that you are OK. It may take awhile to get over the post surgical effects so try to focus if you can on the positive. God Bless!

Glad you are sharing your story on the Main Forum Monique...Wishing you a Better Sunday ~ Colleen