Has Anyone Had An Angiogram/Arteriogram?

Hi Rosemary. Gosh, what an experience! I have found that you have to be your own advocate in this ordeal. Making sure everyone knows everything and then rminding them again and again. I wish you good health and thank you so much for writing to me . it helps!



Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I have postponed my procedure because I am just overwhelmed right now but I will reschedule for two weeks from now. It is sooooo reassuring to hear from others who have undergone this procedure. Thanks again and I wish you great health and a long life!

Bravery hasn't anything to do with it...~

Susan, I have had several angiograms since my aneuryism, without problems. My ani has been filled twice since it first leaked, . Now I have a pacemaker so I can't have CT's or MRIs .Only problems have been headaches... which finally do go away.

the Docs and the procedures are amazing these days, not to worry....


My aneurysm was found through a lumbar puncture angio. The incision was TINY, like a cat scratch.... no scar! They went through the femoral artery to do my coiling as well... much less invasive than a craniotomy.. and again no scars! it was a bit sore for a while, but nothing huge.. then again my aneursym was ruptured so i was on a lot of painkillers. they only bad part was that you need to not move your leg for 6 hours after the procedure.. and for me they clamped my leg down at the incision site for 15 minutes to make sure the bleeding would stop (seeing as that is a major artery), but after my coiling they put in a little plug that is absorbed by the body instead of clamping my leg. the clamp is a bit uncomfortable but it is honestly worth it! without the angio scan they would not have found my aneurysm! and i am very happy with the coiling procedure. i think that it is worth it just to be sure everything is fine... it honestly isnt bad:)


Thank you so much for telling me about your angio procedure. II'm going to do mine on 10/26. I sure hope you are thriving!

God Bless,



I wish I provide some postive information, but I'm in the samme boat as you. I havent set a procedure date yet either from being overwhelmed myself... I just had my yearly follow-up and nothing really has changed but they suggested that I do the coiling. I just scheduled an appointment with Dr. Barrow and I pray that he can make me feel comfortable with the procedure. Nervous !! Keeping you in my prayers and wishing the best !!!

Kym- Memphis

Hi Kym,

How are you doing?

Good luck with your angio Susan!

Thank you so much. I am really nervous about it but will be glad to have it behind me.

I will be thinking about you. I have an iodine allergy and the predisone and benedryl and the drip they give you during the procedure controls it. I was not even red.

deeeeeeep breaths ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

Hey, Susan. Forgive me if I missed a earlier post with this info, but…do you know how large the aneurysm is your doc is comfortable watching? Just curious 'cause I have a 3mm, my doc is monitoring. Thanks!

Hi Teresa/ I have a 2mm aneurysm that he is going to monitor but he suggested that angiogram to get a better picture that the CAT or MRI showed.

Ah ha, sounds like a good plan. (:>

Hi Susan,

Like others, I have had several angiograms before, during and after my first surgical treatment of 9mm left ICA annie in 2009. The coiling procedure is actually done the same way as the angio, except you are asleep. My doctor doesn’t believe in any form of sedation during them so he can assess whether I am loopy because of something he did. That took a heck of a lot of getting used to. The first time I was completely unhinged but got something to calm me down. Second time afterwards no issues. However, the last one I had took a bit of extra work because of scar tissue that had built up in one of the femoral arteries. I am seeing my interventional neuroradiolgist surgeon tomorrow to get the plan of action for a newly discovered annie on MRI/MRA. I just know he is going to want to another angio. Not looking forward to that at all, but I know he needs the best pictures possible. I am praying for you to have some peace of mind and for all to be well for you. Blessings!

Oh hey Miriam. You are so dear to write to me and I am sorry that you have been through so much. You sound really strong though. I hope this new annie is tiny and doesn't give you any problems. Blessings to you for the best outcome. Please keep me posted.


I have to have a Arteriogram due to the numbing in my leg, Pvr/Abi came out very bad.

I am afraid of the sedation they will give me and I am a very nervous patient.

I have numerous blockages in my legs especially the left one.

To me that is as good as being awake during the precedure .

Can anyone here tell me how much pain I am going to endure ?

I just had my cerebral angiogram on Friday, I will warn you that it is an uncomfortable procedure but the nurses and doctors are there with you the whole time. I just felt alot of tugging and pulling in that area which was what I found uncomfortable. The dye can make u feel funky, as in warm and tingly. I was very anxious as well but just focus on your breathing and you will be fine :slight_smile: don’t worry too much, it’s important to have and is over fairly quickly!

Thank you for your response and also want to know does the sedative work and does it keep you from feeling the pain ?

Vascualr surgeon told me they would just give me something to just make me sleepy and he will be going through my groin to insert the cathetar to put the dye in . Yes , I read that for a short time the dye is tingling and warm also . I see an oncologist also just got through with a total hysterectomy , Leep, also cold knife cone biopsy all to fight the Carcinoma in sito pre cancer .

Now I have artery desease its like god is saying you think your done well try this one on for size.

New yrs day Vascular surgeon tells me I have a solid blockage in right carotid artery and 98 % I have hert desease which I have no signs of. Though I do get light headed at times.

Prime candidate for a stroke or heart attack is what he tells me .......oh well here I go once again for more fun. my body hates me

Oh good this makes me feel a lot better for I am scared to death right now and canceled my ateriogram or angiogram for next week due to the weather. I guess they are both one and the same percedure.

I also was am having that same precedure

So sounds like they gve you enough sedative to make you not feel it , that is a good thing

I feel much better about it now . Thanks for the info