Going to the Source

For awhile I have been wondering if the symptoms I have been having are due to the aneuurysm or they are due to the nervousness about my condition. The aneurysm was orginally found when I woke on a Monday morning unable to control my hand. It just laid their. It is now coming back however I went to the ER where I was admitted and placed on the Stroke Center bed. Later that date I was told about my condition. I really did not know what that meant until I got home and did some research. I have been having trouble with my vision for the past couple of months and I am always checking to see if they need to be cleaned. Additionally when I do something that I have to think about like knitting or any other craft in the middle of my doing it I will be nauseous and dizzy and then I am unable to go any furthe. I just lay down and go to bed. These symptoms are becoming more troublesome and annoying to me. I have asked a few people and they tell me that my aneurysm is too little to cause any problems for me. Six months ago I suffered with an episode fo slurred speech. Should I worry or continue to go on and wait the six months before having anaother angiogram. Thankk you for any input.

wow Gwen this is a toughie! Dizzy and nauseous are not normal and should be investigated by a doctor since there are a lot of causes-sinus or ear infections, colds, allergies, dehydration, hyperventilation and stress to name a few. We have to be our own advocates. If this persists please go to your doctor-keep a diary with a list of questions in a binder . If anny is too small to cause problems what is the cause?? this will hopefully give you peace of mind. my severe spinning dizzies upon lying down or arising were caused by an inner ear infection that my pcp dr treated . Any more slurred speech episodes or other please go to the ER. Good luck in all this =I'll keep you in thoughts & prayers~~~http://www.webmd.com/brain/tc/dizziness-lightheadedness-and-vertigo-topic-overview

Gwen, I just sent you a email regarding Friday. NO ONE can tell you what is normal, or should be happening, going on etc. We can advise you to talk to your doctor if you are experiencing something abnormal. People here can only tell you what they have experienced and even that may or may not be the answer for you. There is no way anyone can say with 100% they know that a problem, symptom, headache, etc was caused by their aneurysm pre or post-op. I can state yes, I have headaches NOW post-op but I can't prove they are due to my surgery. Hair loss, medications, and those type of issues are subject matter that is expressed or experienced by some of us and can be of help to with the resolve for them, but the surgery is a different, serious topic. Please speak with your SURGEON, not a PA, etc. Or get a second surgeon's opinion. This procedure AND the aneurysm are to serious of an issue for you to pursue based on other's experiences. Our answers can only be of comfort. You are the one to make it. We are here for support, some recommended answers for which resolved our problem, feelings, etc but mostly support & friendship. Seek out to get your questions answered by professionals before your operation so you can be assured you made it on your own knowledge. Your friend, Jeanne and prayers will be with you from all of us.

Hi Gwen

what Ronnie said and what Jeanne said, both .With eye problems, being dizzy and the slurring of speech , any one of the three signals (to me at least) that another angio is needed sooner rather then the scheduled 6 months. Let us know, Janet

Ron, I so agree with you. I kept a dated log in a composition book of everything since the day they found my aneursym. Everything from doctors appointments, tests done, medicines, etc. Just tabbed off my sections for reference and so glad I did as it helps me now when asked what and when was this or that done. I also I also write down if something I am having a problem. Many times my PCP or Neurologist asks me how long ago or how many times did this or that happen and I can't remember it all to keep track of. I still do it now also. 'older age lack of memory', lol

Consult your Physician...about symptoms and perhaps another scan needs to be performed...~ Colleen