Cyberknife- what do you wish you had known?

Hello Everyone,
I was diagnosed with a small, right occipital AVM in July. I’m having cyberknife next month. For those of you who have had cyberknife, what, if any, side effects did you experience in the days, weeks, and months after the procedure? Is there anything you wish you wish you had known before the procedure?
Thank you!

Welcome to our little group, it’s really not little. I can’t remember a member talking about cyber knife treatment for an aneurysm. We have had one who had Gamma Knife treatment recently, similar but not the same. When I did a search, I couldn’t find anything on it for aneurysms specifically so I may not be searching correctly. I also tried four different foundations and found nothing.

I imagine you’d have to look at the side effects, both long and short term. I do hope some of our members can help you out! Please keep us updated.

Thank you!

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