Aneurysm & AVM

I have an aneurysm and an AVM. Surgery scheduled on July 8 to clip the aneurysm and remove the AVM. Anyone out there had this done? After effects? I'm a healthy, 72 year old female and am a bit anxious but ready to get this done and start recovering.

Chillygirl...welcome...we are the "aging" members here...

Fortunately I had only one natural aneurysm...all the rest were added minimally invasively...

I have been so promoting the two books listed on the BAF main website...

Brain Aneurysms and Vascular Malformations A Guide for Patients/Families by Eric Nussbaum, MD

ISBN 0-7388-3759-8 (softcover) (more facts)

The Brain Aneurysm by Vini Khurana, MD, PhD and Robert Spetzler, MD, FACS

ISBN 978-1-4259-5707-0 (softcover)

There is big promotion on how to publicize info on Brain Aneurysms...I am not sure on vascular malformations...the above books have info on them...

My memory is blanking on the name of the AVM website in CA...

Prayers for your surgery and recovery...and keeping us updated...


I have an active AVM & 2 clipped aneurysms. Surgery was too risky for my AVM, so I've had 3 Gamma Knife radiation treatments to shrink it. One of the aneurysms was found in the angiogram they did for the first GK treatment. During the crainiotomy to clip it, they found and clipped the 2nd aneurysm.

Last June, when I had my 3rd GK treatment, they showed me the MRI scans from June 2011 next to June 2012, and we could see that the AVM was shrinking. I just had an MRI on Tuesday for a one year followup on the third GK and I'm waiting to hear results. I'll have another angiogram next summer.

My AVM was about 6 cm in the right parietal lobe.