Continued Health Issues-anyone else:

My annie ruptured 8 months ago in may and I was coiled and I also have a stent . I lost 10 lbs while in the hospitol that was just because I didn't eat anything. but I gained it back and then some . I was a smoker I left the hospitol weighing 110 lbs (i'm 5'3) I now weigh 127 . This could also have something to do with my love affair with death by chocolate ice cream . lol. My nuerosurgeon laughs because I blame him for my weight gain he made me quit smoking it is his fault .lol For me its hard to tell what has to do with what . Sometimes I wonder if my constant headaches have something to do with them . but I blame the annie rupturing for my issues. That and death by chocolate.

Pat, I am new to this site; but, I found your reply to this very informative and helpful. Thank you so much.

Hello Sturdyville, I am new to this site; but had a coiling and stent in 2006. In the past few months, have developed severe pain behind my right eye, as well as twitching of the eye. I am scheduled for a MRI and CTA tomorrow, hopefully will find out something. The pain is unbearable. I also have had weight loss since my coiling, and developed hypothyroidism.(don't know if was related to the coiling). I do feel my pain behind the eye is related to the coiling since the pain resembles the pain I experienced when they discovered my aneurysm.

Thanks for all of the replies-I have since found out that contrast dyes can target and kill a thyroid, especially if it has had any damage done to it before. The doctors are still attempting to regulate my medication-but doing much better than before. Made it through my one year angiogram-and the stint and coil are doing what it should be doing. Hope and prayers to everyone else for the beginning of a new year.

Hi Sturdyville,

Yesterday, when I was in the recovery suite after my angiogram, I was talking to the nurse who was caring for me. I told her that I'd been reading on this site about side effects about coiling. She volunteered that many patients experience headaches, dizziness, and light issues after coiling. She didn't mention the roaring sound and I didn't think to ask.

I've written about my experience yesterday in a blog on my page if you would like more info.

Take care.


Have &/or had the same symptons as you. It would be like I was doing the writing of your comments. I have ringing in my ears all the time, but my hearing is good. Sit in the dark 80% of the time & hate crowds & people. Loud noises & bright lites make it hard to go to church. I feel like the people keep crowding me in & I can't stand that. Also have lost weight, but I contributed that to no appetite. Food just doesn't taste good. Still have pain in my head, but nothing like I use to & in a different place. Now it is located on the side of my head where I had the annie. When i get stressed or tired my eye & the pain will intensify. Also, don't sleep well. What a life, huh.


i'm just 2 months post op for an unruptured anuerysm so i don't really have much to add to this thread. the only thing i'm dealing w/now is the anger. it's as if the coiling triggered a switch that has left me angry as hell.

i've always been a decent, loving, generous person but this new person left from surgery... well, i don't like her. at all.

There was an article in the NYTimes magazine yesterday about a patient with similar symptoms. Her doctor discovered it was due to a rare syndrome called hemicrania continua and started her on indomethacin and the headaches and roaring sound went away. Maybe you could ask your doctor about trying that if it doesn't interfere with any of your medications or medical conditions?

My legs were so swollen they felt like they were going to burst-please see if someone will check your thyroid this can be dangerous.

The One an Only can do quite a bit-I would not be here right now if it was not for him.

Before my annie 6 yrs. I was diagnosed with hemicrania continua, & put on Indocin. I was taking it 3 times a day @ 180mg. At times it would do the trick of helping my headache, but other times it didn't. I remember the day I had my annie, I had a terrible headache that I couldn't get rid of & I did take the indocin. I still believe that I had the annie for at least the 6 years while I was taking the indocin & maybe it just hadn't grown as large as when it ruptured. So I don't think it worked. At least, not for me. I told my docs about the indocin & he said to not take it anymore. But I remember we are all different, so maybe it would work for someone else. I still get very angry at my one doctor for not finding the annie when I kept insisting that maybe it could be a annie. He kept saying no. Not long after he made that statement I had my annie.

Needless to say I'm not happy with that doctor.


Cathy, If you find any info. on coiling and ypothyroidism please let me know. Sorry it has taken so long for me to respond. How did this appointment go-hope well.

I had a grade 4 Anni in 2008 and lost 15kg while in hospital. I have since put that weight back on and trying to stop it increasing.

I have always had headaches going back 40 years but since the Anni I rarely get headaches which is great. The greatest downside to the whole event is that I have balance issues.

Still, I'm alive.

oh boy, i have things i never knew i had, cspine, weight gain, changes in vision, meds dont agree with me. my calfs hurt to and look swollen sometimes.