Asking Question if anyone has had an aneurysm clips into next to it wrapped in the saddle craniotomy surgery

Hope someone can tell me what he did by wrapping &saddle over top the two next to clipped one.They were to close so couldn’t be clipped.Also this second surgery my craniotomy has dented and gives me a lot bone pain. Memory is so bad, I go to start something and then I forget in the matter of seconds. I’m talking and I mean to say one word and another word comes out. Can you get brain injury from having brain aneurysm clippied,wrapped,craniotomy?It has taken me so long just to write.Sorry!

Good Morning Teresa! I’m sorry I can’t address the wrapping and saddle. I can share that each time I have been coiled for the same aneurysm, I have developed something different from the original rupture. Probably the greatest was the second with the development of FAS and the stutter became worse. Each angiogram I have had has set me back and it takes longer to get to the point I was at. Stay hydrated, eat protein, rest when you need to, use sticky notes, white board and your smart phone to help memory. Simple crossword puzzles and word games can help with word retrieval, as well as reading. I often look up a word I can’t remember the meaning of, I take it as the ability to want to continue learning instead of the angst that I cannot remember. Hang in there, don’t push yourself too hard, set goals.

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Thank you so much!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: