Angiogram feel poorly

Feel unwell angiogram Tuesday today Friday feel awful x

Have you called your doctor, Angela?

I didn’t feel well for about a week after my angiogram. My doctor said it was common and a lot of people complain. They said it could be due to any number of causes such as the dye (I’m not allergic), the medication or just the fact they are poking around so to speak. I didn’t have anything specific to complain about except I felt like I backslid to where I was after 3-4 months after the coiling and just didn’t feel well. Kind of run down. Anyway I think you should definitely run it by your doctor and see what they say. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Thank u my head is soo bad feel sick weak xxx

Hope you are feeling better Angela and are trying to get some needed rest. I hope too you spoke with your doctor. Let us know how you’re doing. Thinking of you!

After my first angiogram, six months after a rupture, I felt poorly for over a week. When you talk about backsliding that’s exactly how I felt too. Drink lots of water and get lots of rest and you’ll feel better soon!