While awake and waiting

Dana, I am so sorry you have to experience the loss of your mother, it saddens me to no end. Everyone grieves differently, so have patience with yourself and your family. The first year is the hardest. There’s all the planning for services, and the legalities that your father will need to do for the government. It can be overwhelming, be patient.

Take one day at a time, remember the great things you and your mom did through the years. Stay close to your family. Cry when you need to, talk and share how much you loved her and the funny things she did. Do some busy work to honor your Mom, perhaps putting photos in a digital frame or making a cookbook using her recipes, you can do this with index cards and a photo album. If you sew or know someone, have a quilt made out of some clothes. Theses things will make you cry and laugh and that’s a good thing.

We have a Wall of Remembrance you can find here: Wall of Remembrance

Remember we are here for you, so please keep in touch

Hugs to you and your family,