What’s my purpose God?

Merl, You can butt in anytime! I look at it as a work in progress….as long as we all keep trying is what’s important. I’m not always in control of me now, there was a time though. I was never then nor now in control of others it’s a lesson we all learn isn’t it? We can encourage, support but never control others.

Dr. Gary taught me something I found helpful. He’d known me for years in my last profession. He asked me what if I was one of my clients, how would I respond and what encouragement would I give? It took me a long time to answer, I never answered him, it was supposed to get me to thinking and remembering. I eventually knew how I would respond, on some days I forget the answer and have to learn it all over again. It sort of boils down to respect. I never found it difficult to respect others, but myself…to give me some leniency and encouragement, that’s a different story. But I keep trying