I thought I’d welcome in a weekly basis, if I can remember to put a reminder in my calendar… Here’s our newest members:
@Deb1 has had a brother who survived a rupture and was able to stay alive despite taking 11 days to go to the ER, no wonder his doctors are calling it a miracle! We know he will receive the support and experiences from members here and she may get a few personal experiences insight as well!
@Debbie1 has posted already! Way to go! Debbie1 had an MCA clipped in 2020 and hails from the UK. I’ll bet her dog enjoys the walks.
@Suzannedee25 resides in sometimes sunny Florida. She’s also a song writer and recording artist, wonder if we know her work?
Our last new member for this week is @Niamh who resides in the UK. Unfortunately is waiting for their turn for further tests after discovering a 14mm aneurysm.
Thank you, Moltroub; I’m glad I found this support group. Already I’ve found a lot of helpful info from reading through past blogs. My brother Marvin was released from the ICU about a week ago and we are trying to figure out how best to support him. He lives in Texas and the rest of us live out of state , although a family member is currently staying with him to help out. Marv tires easily and of course, can’t drive. His heart rate is still high so that has to be monitored. And the neurologist said he’ll need another procedure in 3 months, I guess to check for other aneurysms? He had originally had the coiling done after they admitted him. We’re not sure what the road to full recovery looks like but I’m grateful for all the advice here. Thanks again.
Why don’t you start a new topic under “General”? This way members can respond with their experiences after SAH and coiling. I’m still not allowed to cook unsupervised, doctor’s orders and I popped my pipe in 2013…
I know the absolute fear and frustration of waiting for surgery and daily living with
An unruptured aneurysm. Scared to sneeze, hiccup… In 2008 I had a ruptured aneurysm clipping then in August of 2021 they seen another one right behind the original clipping. At that time it was 4mm . By January 14th 2022 it was 8x7mm and I am currently in hospital in the US in San Francisco sitting up eating chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast recovering from my second clipping. So thankful no long term deficiency as of yet. Just really looking forward to getting out of here and going home to my family and pets, I miss them all so much. Thanks to covid family support is very limited here. I found out how slowly the wheels of medicine turn for these things, its nothing personal. Although it’s hard not to take it that way while waiting. It’s like HELLO I HAVE A BRAIN ANEURYSM AND YOU WANT ME TO GO HOME AND WAIT??? But thats what I did while they looked at my case and decided if they were going to operate or not. Fortunately for me they decided they would. My surgeon for my first ruptured surgery has moved out of state so I was unable to make contact… its very scary I know but as they say … makes us stronger right.
I totally understand. I had my rupture in 2013 also, and I’m still trying to figure out where I truly fit in work wise. Not able to do 8 hours, not able to do a lot of things, but all is well, and I’m living my best life.
You are very fortunate. I had an aneurysm rupture in the company I work for was great for about eight months. But when I had a stent in my brain to bypass the pooling area, I had a stroke during the surgery and then less than two months later, they abruptly let me go same business business. I’ve worked for 8 1/2 years and it done very well for them. It was a kick in the gut.
Morning Ms Sarah, thank you for sharing! You responded to a welcome to new members that’s 3 years old. I need to close the topic, thank you for finding it for me, as I really appreciate the help. I also was let go from my job after I ruptured. I couldn’t do the work anymore, heck couldn’t drive more than a couple of miles. You’re welcome to start a new topic, just go to General and click on the + sign, fill in the title and tell us your story.