Vision Issues noted in strokeSTOP

On the Umass main site, there is a tremendous Glossary...and, I read words I did not know/remember at all... anyone with existing / continuing vision issues, may want to glance thru...and read the detail off the glossary... too lengthy to type




Amaurous Fugax

Binasal Hemianopsia

Bitemporal hemianopsia

Conjugate gaze

Convergent gaze

Corneal Reflex





Heteronymous ...and Heteronymous Hemianopsia

Homonymous... and Homonymous Hemianopsia

Homonymous Quadrantanopsia

Horner's Sydnrome

Internuclear Opthalmoplegia

Macular Sparing

Nystagmus and Optokinetic Nystagmus


Parinaud's Syndrome

Pitutiary Tumor proximity to the optic chiasm / visual disturbances

Postrotation Nystagmus

Ptosis ...

Pupillary Light Reflex



"top of the mark"

Vestibulo-ocular reflex

Visual Field Defects (VFD)

Wallenberg's Syndrome..

The glossary is extensive; hopefully, I checked /remembered all those related to vision for this list. The 'strokeSTOP Module 3' covers the anatomy for optic chiasm, etc...

CRANIAL NERVES of our VISION ... the "TeachMeAnatomy" site... the Cranial Nerves are also listed in the Brain Basics provided under the "resources" category by Moltroub...and, all in numerous other websites.

Only listed here from TeachMeAnatomy are those related to our Vision

Optic nerve (CN II)...sensory - vision; (CN I (Olfactory) and CN II not begin @ the BrainStem w/the other CNs.

Oculomotor (CN III) ... motor - eye movement

Trochlear (CN IV) ... motor - eye movement

Trigeminal (CN V)...Mixed motor/sensory 3 divisions: ophthalmic (V1); Maxillary (V2); Mandibular (V3)

Abducens (CN VI) Motor...eye movements

Issues of eyelid droop / other are related to other facial nerve and all may know these issues and have had them explained by your neuro-docs...If so, you were/are blessed...

Please forgive me for any typo and/or misinterpretation....