Visual Pathways Anatomy and Physiology

Just learned using that search terminology... or reverse it to:

Anatomy and Physiology of the Visual Pathways...diff sites/sequence ...

It does provide us a tremendous Image open up questions to the docs..

One series (slide format series)...the first image is headed:

Anatomy and Physiology of Visual Pathways... by Raed Behbehani, MD Kuwait..(as best I can understand it) ...

At the end of those first 30+ slides, another comes up w/43 slides... It is more detailed ....but great descriptions...of the areas...the thalamus / others and w/hand-drawn graphs/drafts (right word?). All slide is titled.

The one of Chiasm: listed down the side...

Optic chiasm and cavernous sinuses (coronal section)

third ventricle (second one up from the spinal cord/brain stem. 4th ventricle is first to the first up from the spinal cord/brain stem area...the large one is the lateral ventricle; left and right..)

optic chiasm

internal carotid artery (ICA)

3rd nerve (oculomotor)

4th nerve ( trochlear)

internal carotid artery (ICA) again..

5th nerve (Trigeminal) first division (the ophthalmic) CN 5 has 3 branches)

5th nerve (trigeminal) second division...(goes to somewhere: face/skull/jaw)

6th nerve (abducens)

listed across the bottom:

sphenoid sinus

Pituitary gland (in the sella turcica cavity of sphenoid bone; and supplied/controlled by the hypothalamus in the Limbic System...

Diaphragm selloe (may be same as sella turcica...tho the image somewhat reflects it is outside the cavity...or perhaps my vision does not "see" it clearly)

Cavernous sinus (is in the area of the cavernous segment of the ICA)

There are many sites which have the slide type sequence of imaging...with the identification to it...

This may help any of you in asking your neuro-docs questions... from when they are presenting the type of procedures, and what they recommend, to after completion of it.

Next will be an update on the Limbic system...because I do not remember the vision pathway in what I have found/learned so far in my research.

(what is in parenthesis is my addition here)

UPDATE / ADDITION to the parts of our brain near/around visual pathways

The THIRD VENTRICLE is noted below Chiasm...

The PITUITARY is noted third from the bottom of the list...

The tiny pineal endocrine gland is located at the roof of the Third Ventricle...and, controls/monitors our circadian rhythms (sleep patterns). More of the pineal will be covered with ENDOCRINE GLANDS...

The THIRD VENTRICLE is between the two thalami (thalamus)...the Limbic System (aka the "emotion brain" ...aka medial temporal lobe.)...

Some may want to peruse:

I just found this one...after all the struggling I went thru to attempt to learn it, remember it...

Hope it can/may be helpful to others...

One more website of high interest... to me...

Or the title: The Eye - The Brain from Top to Bottom...

correcting the website:

patioplans said:

One more website of high interest... to me...

Or the title: The Eye - The Brain from Top to Bottom...

CAVEROUS SINUS...a term used, or may be used, in med records...noted in the entry data...

mnemonic: O TOM CAT from

O: - oculomotor nerve

T: - trochear nerve

O: - ophthalmic branch (V1) of trigeminal nerve

M: - maxillary branch (V2) of trigeminal nerve

C: - Internal carotid artery

A: - abducens nerve

T: - trochlear nerve...

Note...the mandibular branch (V3) of trigeminal nerve is not associated w/ the cavernous sinus...

...the two branches noted above V1 and V2 (of TOM) are located externally to wall of cavernous sinus..

OPHTHALMIC Artery and its branches...the very basics...

Oph branches off the ICA...has a number of small arterial branches...

Central Retinal Branch: ...the first branch...passes thru optic nerve (CN II) and supplies blood to inner retinal layers...

Lacrimal branch: supplies eyelids and conjunctiva (membrane covers eyelids / white part of the eyeball)

Oph Artery has 14 major extensions... obstruction of oph can lead to condition called ocular ischemic syndrome, in which can cause some degree of vision loss.

Coronary artery disease can facilitate its occurrence...

Some good websites:

There are too numerous of these sites to list more...Just search: optic Pathway; Ophthalmic Artery Anatomy and Function...

Not yet found (or yet comprehended) is data related to cerebral aneurysms (other than the known oph aneurysm)...or where some of this can begin in the ICAs during the catheter stoppage at the CCA bifurcation to the ICA and ECA...and/or any potential dissections of arteries after the bifurcation...

Barry...thank just made my day...week - month - year...

P.S...please note the Reading Comprehension...generally...our initial thought is only that it is our is in a sense...but there is the "comprehension" of it that is so significant...

Barry said:

Keep it coming, this is great information about the vision and aneurysmal involvement. Great Work.

Thank you for all the info, knowing more about our conditions I find personally helpful in my healing.

thank you...I am so glad it is helpful...I have thought for some time the need for resources...and, that no sufficient info was/is provided to us for making our decisions on procedures and recovery...

starbirder said:

Thank you for all the info, knowing more about our conditions I find personally helpful in my healing.

thank you...and, I think the vision is so critical...and, I was o geared on the cranial nerves...I left the arteries til recent...(and. cannot remember what drove my direction this time)...

Barry said:

When we understand that the vision along with all of the other senses is integral to our understanding of the world we live in, we can understand that the corruption of our vision can incredibly complicate our definition. Most of us take for granted how profound the loss of vision and complication of it can alter our lives. We really do take senses for granted when we can employ them all correctly. It's only when these senses get complicated to employ that we begin to understand how important the architecture of our entire CNS is. Really brings clarity when we are told that there are 12 cranial nerves and 6 of them are directly connected to sight. Thank you again. People will continue to learn from your work, and you can be proud that your work has directly affected my definition. :) The eyes are truly a direct extension of the brain.

Decided to bring this help new members / spouses/partners/families/friends...