Very scary(also in blog)

My husband was complaining from a severe headache for like a week before he fell on the bathroom floor. when he went to the er they said he had bleeding in his brain I thought it was from him hitting his head so hard. they attempted coiling once they found out it was coming from the brain stem and had an aneuryzm leak. they said it was to hard to get too so they transferred him to Detroit for a clipping. when they tried to wake my husband up from the first attempted coiling he was unresponsive and therefore had to do emergency surgery. after my husbands succesful surgery I was told he was a very sick man. He was in a coma for about a week the day before he started to make some progress I was told by the doc. that where he bled it affected his breathing and moving so he would probobly not move his arms or legs again and never breathe on his own He told me I should think about his quality of life and let him go in so many words. I pretty much put it like this to him im NOT killing my husband. The next day God showed the doctor who has the last say and he started opening his eyes. This all happened 2 weeks after I had a c section with our 4th baby Valentina


Geez, I don't even know what to say. I pray that God brings your husband back to you and your family.



Prayers for continued recovery and all your successes...



My thoughts are with you. I was in the exact same situation. My first initial coiling failed, & I ended up having 5 brain surgeries total over a 4 month period. Today just over a year later I am back working full time. I still have headaches, a little vision trouble in my left eye and some sensativity on my left side. I am always tired but that is the healing process. Every day is a new day. I was in ICU for over a month and then rehab for a month. Hang in there. It is a very slow and long process. It sounds like he is a fighter like me and God has another agenda for us! There are so many of us out there that have made great progress and I have a feeling he will too! <3 Thoughts, prayers and huggs coming your way!