Upcoming surgery many questions :)

Hello beautiful souls,

I will be having 3 annies clipped in the next few weeks. I am in good health and know I will be fine.
However, I do have some general questions.
I have a physical job and wonder what is the typical time away from work?
How did you manage with a half bald head? Did you just shave the entire head?
I’m super concerned that my apperance with freak my children out. What advise can you pass along to help with this.
Your stories on this site inspire me, you are all so brave.
Thank you God for leading me here.

Blessings and thank you so much


Hello Sal,

Are all 3 aneurysm in the same general vicinity of each other? If so, I doubt you'll have to lose too much hair, on the surgeries I've had (clippings-- one on the left , one on the right) maybe an inch to an inch and 1/4 from the hairlilne back was shaved...(I had a shunt removed once and I told the surgeon to shave my entire head--turns out it was a good move as the summer months were so much cooler without all that hair)!

I was put on the standard 3 months disability when I had my clippings, and that worked out well for me...If you have a super physical job though you might ask your doctor about any type of restrictions on that. As for your kids, I'd tell them that in order for the doctor to fix you up, he has no choice but to get to the root of the problem which means you're going to look alittle wild to them initally--probably bruised in the face with either stitches or staples--but as long as they know no one hurt you, they will no doubt get over any shock they may have and will just be glad to have you home!

Best of luck to you on your surgery, its not an easy thing to have to look forward to but once its done, its done. Peace, Janet

Hello Janet,

Thanks for your reply! I have 1 on the MCA and 2 on the Posterior Comm Artery. I will probably know more at my upcoming pre op appointment. But the waiting is hard. Whew!! So glad to hear that your hair loss was small. I have looked at the photos on this site for clipping and got a bit worried, and I don't scare easily. So you can understand my concern for the children.

Yes, I had read here that the recovery back to work is 3 months. I just worry about the straining with the amount of lifting that I do on the job. I will still be watching 2 other small 3mm annies after this clipping procedure.

Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it


Hi SAL...I was coiled...so I can't answer most of your questions...but sending prayers out to you...keep the good positive attitude you have...it will go such a long way in your recovery ~ Colleen

Hey Sal,

My 1st aneurysm in 1998 was also on the posterior communicating artery, (left side), and one thing I didn't see coming was that my surgeon had to cut thru my temporal muscle in order to gain access to the site, which meant I had a helluva' time opening my mouth to eat anything other then yogurt and more yogurt--and more--SO, you may want to ask your Neurosurgeon if indeed that will be his path of access as well. That way you can stock up on lots of soft, easy to chew foods beforehand. Not to worry though, it didn't last forever, but it is one thing that I was surprised at and thought I'd mention it.

Another aspect I started thinking about was the fact that you have a job that requires lots of lifting and straining...I too had a job which required such activities, (I worked retail, but one of my main functions was to unload a 40' trailer once a week or so of innumerable boxes of retail goods) which my husband frowned upon..he asked my surgeoun after my last clipping about that small detail, and the answer sort of surprised me...The doctor shook his head "no", and said I shouldn't really be doing that. So....that was the opinion of my doc...you may want to ask yours about it as well (PS: and when I went back to work, my Manager wouldn't let me unload the trucks any longer, thing is I then was in the receiving room during 'truck-day' and there was plenty of lifting and straining in that position as well-But I had zero problems with any of it). Just acoupla' of after-thoughts ! Take care, Janet

Hi janet,
Good questions for the doctor about access. I woul have never thought of that.
Haha, I’m in retail as well. I’m the team leader over logistics for Target. Our trucks come daily between 2500 to 3000 pieces. So I run the unload and actively participate in it.
So I assume my doctor might say something about that.

thanks again for the good info

They had to shave a swath about 3" wide above my right ear. The rest of my hair was waist length. I wore hats & scarves for about 3 months.

I also had difficulty opening my mouth & chewing after surgery--and they brought me a pork chop for my first meal after surgery. Yikes!

We were able to do mine 6 weeks before I had teacher inservice week, so that helped. I did go in the week before (5 weeks after surgery) and move the furniture in my room by myself--not the smartest thing I ever did.

OMG they brought you a pork chop ?!? Really!?! lol, thank God you're here to tell us about it now, and okays its funny NOW, but probably not to you at the time--(it is amazing to me how it is that this type of thing happens...its like, how do they go about their meal planning routine.... "hummmm..... Collins, bed #1. Neurosurgical unit--craniotomy--Oh a pork chop dinner will be perfect!" ...next??" ) Lol !

Thanks Colleen, I appreciate any and all responses

Since it was discovered unruptured, I consider it a miracle. The least I can do is be positive. Thanks for lifting up so many in this community.


Hi A.,

Like Janet I had to chuckle when I heard the "pork chop" incident. It's like giving someone in the Cardiac unit fried chicken and mashed potato w/ gravy;

Yes, scarves!! I have never been a scarf gal, but now is a better time than any.

Wow! what an awesome recovery you had. Thank you for reaching out to me and replying to me post.

I appreciate it!


The scarf & cap I wore the most after surgery were from headcovers.com

Their target audience is women who have lost hair due to chemo & radiation.

I was sooo happy when my mother-in-law bought me a mocha for breakfast my first morning out of Neuro ICU. That night, my husband managed to find gumbo in the cafeteria--finally something I could actually eat AND tasted good!

After going home, I wasn't keeping on top of the pain--I'd end up waiting until I was hurting to take my pain meds, instead of taking them regularly. I was so thankful to have some dark chocolate peanut butter cups in the fridge--easy to eat, didn't have to be prepared, and a little bit of protein--for when I needed to eat something immediately.

Hi A
Thanks for the web address for the scarves and hats. I would have never thought about having those on hand. I have 2 teenagers at home which will be great help, but neither drives yet. So I’m trying to have as much prepared as possible.
Good point about the pain meds. If I’m feeling pain it’ll be hard to play catch up.

Lol peanut butter cups. Ooh la la my favorite.

Thanks so much for reaching out to support me
