
Had coiling on unruptured aneurysm last week. Does this make me a brain aneurysm survivor?

I am scheduled for a coiling on Auhst 7th at Mass General..... how long were you hospitalzed? How are you feeling??

Yes Deanna...~ You are a Survivor...and we are a Tough Bunch...~

Cyber~Positive vibes your way ~ Colleen

Thanks Jo, I am very blessed and thankful to have known about mine BEFORE rupture.

Yes, we are a tough bunch, we have to be.

Hi Deborah,

My coiling was on the 11th and I was home on the 12th. Dr. said my surgery was very routine and I had no complications. Feeling pretty good. Recovery is harder than I thought it would be. Headache, tire eaisly, fatigued and am starting to get a little depressed and cry at the drop of a hat. But this is all normal from what I understand. Am very glad I had it done.


I too had an unruptured aneurysm that I discovered through a CT Scan all due to a headache and neck stiffness. I get confused if it is actually considered a ruptured or unruptured. I say this because mine was a dissecting aneurysm that just started to leak. Either way, I was admitted March 2nd and the coiling was done on March 5th. 3 day difference from admittance and coiling. I would say it is concidered unruptured. I am scared daily. I feel like a walking time bomb. I feel sorry for myself daily. I guess my biggest concern is....will I have a chance at longevity in life now that this has happened