
At the hospital with my husband james today waiting for them to take him down for his clipping surgery.hope everything goes well I’m really nervous for him and I know he is too

Thank you both and I will try and let everyone know how it all goes

Hi Megan,

I'm praying for you and James. My aneurysm was successfully clipped in 1969.

Take care and put your trust in the Great Physician.


Update surgery went very well he is doing great and may be able to come home as soon as tues :slight_smile: will let everyone know more when we get him home thank you all so much!! Surgery took sooo long and ur words really helped to reassure me!

Hi Megan ... so glad that surgery went well for James...You have my prayers...Colleen

Megan, so happy to hear that the surgery went well for James. Take care


Hi Megan,

What a blessing for you and James! Thanks be to God.


My husband is now home from the hospital and doing fairly well. He is having really bad nausea and obviously still feeling weak and tired? I am off for the next several days to be home with him but not really sure what I can do to make this any easier for him.. any ideas??

Hi Megan,

Thanks be to God!

Your very presence will be reassuring to your husband now that you are back at home. Please keep an eye on the nausea and if it doesn't get better in a day or so, I suggest calling your doctor back. Don't forget to keep him hydrated and to follow all the take home instructions. :-)

Take care.


Megan, so glad it went well, and he's home and you can be w/him...Did the doctors talk about getting any home health care for when you return to work? Any other family /friends available?

Prayers for his recovery; and, for help for you while he is healing.


Hello Megan...Im glad surgery went well & that hes back at home. I wish your husband a speedy recovery...Big Hug*

thank to everyone again for the encouragement. my husband does seem to be getting better but still a little concerned about him. He has bad nausea to the point he can barely keep anything down. called and talked to his neurologist yesterday, they think it has to do with the pain medication they have him on so they sent him some other medications to the pharmacy, He started taking those last night without any real change so far. He also has had a couple of dizzy spells today, I dont mean to over react to everything but not sure what is normal and what is not, think i will call the dr back tomorrow morning and talk to them again.

Hi Megan,

I'm sorry to hear that your husband is having such difficulties. Dizziness is normal so please don't panic about that. I strongly encourage you to call the dr back tomorrow morning if the nausea doesn't clear up.

Hang in there! I'm praying for you both.
