Surgery results of 7.4 mm basilar tip wide neck aneurysm

Hello Moltroub, I tried to send this to all users but didn’t know how to do this so can you share my surgery experience. I had my endovascular surgery for an unruptured 7.4 mm basilar tip wide neck aneurysm on 1/16/24. After 733 days with no snow, mother nature decided to bring snow to the Philadelphia area during the very early morning of my surgery but we managed to get there before 6:30 am. I must say I was absolutely terrified and very dehydrated. After preparation of IV’s and blood work to check platelets, I went into surgery at 9:30 am. My surgeon used an Atlas Y-stent to cover wide neck and them Axium coiling for aneurysm. I woke up at 11:10 and my brain was clear for which I was very very grateful. My throat was very sore with slight bleeding from intubation tube. They sent an ENT to examine me. He said it would take time to heal. I had a bruised uvula and bruised right side of throat. I am one month out and it’s just starting to feel healed. My nurse also told me not to be alarmed at the blood on my pillow from the neural electrodes that were placed on my skull during procedure. I was able to wash the blood out of my hair when I returned home. I spent one night in ICU and was home the next day. I took it very easy for the next five days. I haven’t had a headache, lightheadndness or dizziness since surgery. On day six, I was out slowly walking the sidewalks of my town. Also has some chest discomfort from taking blood thinner (clopidogrel) and 81 mg baby aspirin (was taking enteric coated before surgery) fist thing in the morning. Checked with my doctor and he suggested I take one with breakfast and the other at dinner. That fixed the problem. I will have my six month angiogram in July to see how it’s all going. I have read so many stories on this site of ruptured aneurysms and I feel so fortunate that my BA was discovered on MRI for ongoing Covid symptoms. It took me two months to get the MRI approved and am I glad I pressed for it. My heart goes out to all you other folks who have had to experience a rupture and the aftermath. I am forever grateful to my brilliant and kind surgeon who saved my life.


I’m doing a happy dance for you! It’s always great when we get to read someone didn’t rupture and the aneurysm was occluded. Is your Atlas stent the NeuroForm Atlas Stent? I know one other member that was in the trials when it first came out and then about a year after that, I had mine put in. For me, it was a life changer and I’m very grateful for the people that invented it, not to mention my surgeon who keeps up with medical science.

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Such a good outcome for you!! My repair also went so smoothly and mine was fully occluded at my 6 month angio, I hope you get the same result at yours. I did have to stay on blood thinners an extra 6 months because of some very mild narrowing inside my stent, but I just got taken off them earlier this month, my vanity loves that!! Thanks for sharing your story, someone trying to decide whether or not to treat theirs will appreciate reading it