Stroke after coiling


I'm new here and glad I found a forum dealing specifically with brain aneurysm. I had my 8.5mm unruptured right paraophthalmic ICA aneurysm coiled in 11 January 2011. The annie was discovered by accident during an MRI for tinnitus. I had a few TIA episodes after my coiling which my neurosurgeon is still trying to get to the bottom. I had a prothrombotic screen done (to check for any blood clotting disorders and Factor V Leiden) which came out all normal. Now I have 3 appointment letters, one with my neurosurgeon, one with a vascular doctor and one for an MRI neck and the suspense is building. In one of my early follow-up appointments, doctor said there is some blockage to an artery in my neck and that only one artery (the right side) has blood flowing through. But this is nothing to worry about apparently as one side is enough to compensate for the other (something about circle of willis). Hope I find answers here somehow and hope I can help someone in some way. I have read the posts under Coiling canceled after they found a dissected artery during operation by Darcy and it makes me wonder. How visible would a dissected artery be during a CT Angiogram? Would it be possible that this could be missed and the IR proceeds with the coiling?

I'm counting the days to my appointment/s as I have so many questions to ask the neuros, etc...

Thanks for listening to me.


Sorry you are going through this. They thought I had the same thing going on with one of my arteries but an angio, MRI & CT ruled it out. Hope you come out as good as me. Praying for you!

Hi and Welcome...

I don't have the answers to the dissected artery...but I can tell you this is a long journey...and sorry that you are dealing with all of this unknown...

Keep us posted...and Gotcha in my thoughts....Colleen

will say a prayer u find the answers u need…God has helped u to make it thru the worst part…your gonna be fine

Thanks for all your kind words. It’s true I have survived the worst part and I am really blessed in more ways. I’ll just take one step at a time, go to my appointments, talk to the doctors and deal with it. I think having this annie made me into a worrisome person. Normally it takes a lot for something to faze me. Thanks again for your kind thoughts and wishes…

this is soo true…i turned from a worry wart to a worry mountain…but time and feeling safer has helped to eleviate these symptoms…also a closer relationship with God has helped to reassure i have a higher power looking over me and my well being…it does a soul n body good…hehe,really it does