Smoking hookah after coiling

Is it possible to smoke after having coiling done? I am a month and a half post surgery and am wondering if it is ok to smoke hookah? Anyone have experience with it?

i had my coil procedure completed in may and havent been able to completely kick the bucket on smoking. I think with my puff, puff here an there. I smoke about 2 cigarettes a day

Ok and no adverse effects or anything?

CJ, I would hate to think that you would take it as a green light if Kristy is doing okay. It is pretty much universally acknowledged that smoking is not a healthy activity for aneurysm patients. Some choose to take their chances, which is their choice, of course, but it remains a risky activity.

Yea I’m not a regular smoker actually but hookah is somethin I used to do every once in a while so I was just curious on peoples experiences. Thanks for your responses everyone!