
Im just wondering if anyone gets scotomas? Theyre visual disturbances in your eye sight that is shaped like a lightening bolt, blurry inside the shape, it gets bigger and lasts about 20 to 30 minutes. These are how i found my aneurysm. Ive been told multiple times they’re not related to my aneurysm, but im finding that hard to believe considering i got them right after my angio and 3 directly out of surgery. Idk why i feel like doctors are not being honest and telling the full truth. I feel like im in the twilight zone w doctors I swear. So frustrating

I had these 18 months before my aneurysm was diagnosed. The aneurysm was diagnosed following a sinus ct scan. I had no history of migraines, and had a brief spell of these every day for about 6 weeks, then had none for 18 months.

They returned 1/2 hour after my cerebral angiogram, and two months later after my PED operation.
Had none since. I’m sure they’re related although every doctor I’ve seen says they’re not.

I just dont get why doctors say they’re not related. Boggles my mind. It only makes sense

Jennifer, I love your posts. You have learned already that you have to be your own advocate. I'll tell you something, it was my neurosurgeon who forced me to get a long term neurologist. My neurosurgeon is my hero and can do no wrong, but he does not know everything and he is the first to admit it. Open up my skull and there is no better, talk about my headaches and the after affects and he just smiles and tells me as far as he is concerned, I'm perfectly normal. I now have a great neurologist and a neuro-opthamologist and they help me with all the stuff that I go through now. My neurosurgeon is till my hero but they help him stay that way. My annie was on my left ophthalmic artery so I had some vision issues and my neuro-opthamologist helped with those. Now my vision is better than it was before my surgery. It might be worth looking into making an appointment with one if you can. Carol

Hi Carol,

I have seen one neuro-ophthalmologistb who told me they were not related as well, and that they are "silent migraines." I just had another scotoma incident this past Monday, and I pinpointed that I had been stressed out the 3 days previous to that, so they very well could be silent migraines and not related to the aneurysm. These are the reason I found my aneurysm. I am sure thankful for them, because had I not experienced these, the aneurysm would have never been found and God only knows what would have happened. IDK if they are not related or if they are, so I am just going to deal with them I guess and be thankful I am still here.

Carol said:

Jennifer, I love your posts. You have learned already that you have to be your own advocate. I'll tell you something, it was my neurosurgeon who forced me to get a long term neurologist. My neurosurgeon is my hero and can do no wrong, but he does not know everything and he is the first to admit it. Open up my skull and there is no better, talk about my headaches and the after affects and he just smiles and tells me as far as he is concerned, I'm perfectly normal. I now have a great neurologist and a neuro-opthamologist and they help me with all the stuff that I go through now. My neurosurgeon is till my hero but they help him stay that way. My annie was on my left ophthalmic artery so I had some vision issues and my neuro-opthamologist helped with those. Now my vision is better than it was before my surgery. It might be worth looking into making an appointment with one if you can. Carol

Hi Jennifer, I get them as well and refer to them as visual auras. Only had one before my coiling and several each year since. My neurologist said they are not related to the aneurysm but said they are a type of migraine without pain. My brother said I was lucky to see such incredible colors as his vision is lacking!! Guess it's something I can manage!! Anne

Hi Anne. Can you describe what yours look like? I know they’re hard to explain, but just wondering what other’s scotomas look like.

I have also started experiencing these. I am on my 7 weeks recovery and have had about 4 of them so far. They do go away after 15/20 minutes. I usually find it helps to lie down and let it pass!