
Hi everyone. My husband has an angiogram on the 14th and we are both scared! I don’t let him know I am. I don’t know what to expect? His Anni was coiled but couldn’t fill it all the way because of where it was. So worried about results. Anyone have any experiences they would share? His coiling was emergency procedure on May 27th.

Hello Kristine, It is scary for both the person with the aneurysm and for their loved ones. Sometimes I think it is even more frightening for the loved ones. Many of us on this site, have had angiograms, I’ve had two. Usually they are done as an outpatient procedure. You are awake during the duration, but they give you enough medication to help you relax. It is natural to be scared and worried about the tet results. Possibly his neurosurgeon, upon reviewing the angiogram results, will be able to determine another approach to treat your husband’s aneurysm. Many of us have had our aneurysms clipped, because they could not be coiled. Of course this is something to discuss with his neurosurgeon. It also does not hurt to seek another opinion. Let us know how things progress. Take Care, Mary

Thanks Mary and Elke. Since his rupture I have been in this world of the unknown! It is very hard to not know if he mind will improve and I appreciate the comments from your previous experiences. Just thought, ok he had surgery…he will recover and we continue where we left off. Boy was I wrong. Still has to have his bone flap replaced. (He also had a craniotomy). I wish someone would just say one way or the other! All we ever get is “I’m sorry, I really can’t tell you that.” Sorry…I’m venting thanks again.

I am so sorry Kristine...that you both are having to go through this ... it is such an "unknown" journey...

Are you afraid of the angio? Many of us have had so many...and really ... they are good at what they do...or are you scared of the results...??? I guess, I shouldn't most likely are scared of both...when I was coiled...never before the surgery and/or after did Doctors tell me there was a chance these coils could at my 18 month angio...I found out they compacted and blood is feeding my annie...but too much trauma to do anything right now...I must wait two I know what you mean...I wish it was one way or the other...

You have my prayers for your husband's angio...I wish I could help you so much more ... Gotcha in my Thoughts and prayers...Colleen

this is terryfying but my angio and recoiling were fine so i did all that worrying for nothing-think positive with constant prayer is the only way i know to ease the fear-Good luck and please let him know I'll be hoping & praying for him. I put my trust in God to guide the surgeons to success since they are very very excellant at healing & repairs-keep the faith-Hope is the expectation of success-praying now for great hope & calm for you and yours! keep us posted & thanks for sharing-we care!! ps-also stay away from negative press on the web-don't even read it-it serves no purpose but to give us more fear!

Colleen you help plenty just by posting! Thank you so much!

Thank you Ron! I will stay positive. It’s the least I can do for my husband. Another question…are you the same since your aneurysum? Is it just a matter of time? My husband definetly isn’t the same man mentally or emotionally. The aneurysm ruptured right behind his right eye. I know the Dr warned me he definetly wouldn’t be the same man I once knew but just wonered if this is how he will remain. Probablly too soon to tell. He still has some swelling at his temple.

thats a good question & my biased answer is yes Im still the same especially about things that matter- i love the Lord, my family,music etc etc, the Doctor shouldn't have said that-they don't even know if i'll recover, be patient- its too early to tell & remember there are many phases we go thru-denial,anger, false sense of well being,guilt,over emotional. you should write a blog or discussion about this to get opinion from non-biased care givers! i also think everythings magnafied-all emotions but is reverting back to normal-remember patience is the key- what irks him today he may laugh off tomorow!-hope the swelling goes down-good luck~!!