Ruptured aneurysm - described by nurse as "catastrophic"

Hello, my mom has a ruptured aneurysm which happened this past sunday. Today we learned her conditioned worsened and the damage is catastrophic. She is on life support now and unable to breath on her own. They are telling us the rupture is to deep for surgery. Has anyone you know recovered from something similar? Are there any questions we should be asking?

My mom is a saint! She truly is. She worked as a physical therapist helping handicapped children overcome there challenges. She helped make them special wheelchairs and walkers. She could have worked somewhere else to make more money but she loved these kids. She deserves better than this.

Thank u all for ur support and kind words.

God bless.

Glen- sending up prayers for your mother and your family- Dana

Thank u so much. We can’t believe it.

Hi Glen,

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your mom. Your mom is truly an amazing woman for what she does. I can just imagine what you are going through. My mom had a ruptured Annie 3 months ago and has now fully recovered. Just be strong.

I just have some questions:

What does it mean "rupture is too deep for surgery"? The 2 options the doctor gave us when my mom had a ruptured aneurysm was either coiling or clipping. Did the doctor give you options as to what they plan to do to your mom? Also, the doctor relieved the pressure in my mom's brain by putting a tube. Is this an option for your mom?

Please keep us updated with your mom's progress and I will include her in my prayers.

- Nick

Glen- I can't even imagine- I was the one with a rupture (GradeV!) and initially was given 0% chance of survival (Reno, NV), fortunately, I was transferred to UCSF (Dr. Michael Lawton) where I underwent clipping surgery- (my Family & Husband were instrumental my transport). I have 100% faith in Dr. M. Lawton- he IS one of the top neurosurgeons in the West- good luck


I am so sorry for what you're all going thru--it is so hard to try and second guess the word "catastrophic", however Dana, at zero percent,--transferred to a top notch facility and such....says so much...My prayers to you, I can't imagine how hard this has got to be.


Hi your note and of course this post...and I am sending some prayers out to your mom...and family...I feel your pain...~ I hope something turns around...~ Colleen

Glen...welcome and I so wish it was for better reasons...

Based on what I went thru...and, responses already here, generates numerous questions...Nick began the questions... I add...

What artery/segment and its size was explained to you, beyond the "too deep for surgery"?

Was she given a full diagnostic angiogram? Or is her diagnosis based on whatever the initial CT or MRI or ?

What were the time frames to ER to where ever the diagnostic imaging? Did she have to be transported to another facility for the specialty care?

Prayers surround you and your mother...



What a wonderful story. Praying for a miracle like that.

This site is full of a lot of miraculous stories ~ sending up prayers for your mom and your family Glen
God Bless

Thank u. So glad ur doing well

Thank u everyone. Surgery isn’t an option at this point. Sorry for not responding to everyone. Dealing with lots. Praying for a miracle tonight.

Thank u carol

Luv UR story! Hoping for same.

Full angiogram. Ct as well. Not sure artery. She is at Nuro icu John Muir hospital in CA walnut creek

Thank u

Thank u

Rupture is in area of brain not ideal for surgery. Mom is 73 so they considered her age and worried may do more damage.

hi Glenn, I am so sorry you are all going thru this, keeping you in thoughts and prayers for strength and fortitude thru these troubled times. thank you for sharing and may God Bless you and yours.