Reoccurring headaches and anxiety

Hi everyone!

Just wanted any tips/advice and sort of to know if anyone else feels this way… i haven ruptured aneurysm 2 years ago and it still feels like yesterday. My “anniversary” is coming up February 15th and it feels like this whole week leading up to the 15th ive been getting more headaches, can’t sleep, crying constantly, and feeling paranoid about anything happening again. Anyone else feel like this when their anniversary is nearby?

Welcome jar1997! I just read your profile and it is great! Seems we are kindred spirits though decades apart ROFLOL

Anniversaries are tricky things. Some of us do just fine, whilst others have a difficult time of it. So I’m going to ask a question or two, have you ever thought you could have a bit of PTSD? If you think this is a possibility, what skills have you been taught in grad school to help clients deal with it, if any? The other thing is have you thought of having a celebration?

We celebrate every year around the time of my rupture. We have since Year One. This past November was a bit different with the pandemic and social distancing. We usually save up during the year, pick a nice restaurant, and invite all those who have been supportive in my recovery. It’s not only for me, but my partner as well. This year, we just sent take out to those who helped. Becoming adaptive is extremely important IMHO. We think it’s also important to honor those who help us. Unfortunately, we have lost a few of those who support us to COVID-19, so this November, our group will be a little smaller. We always leave an empty chair for those who can’t make it in person.

Please stay in touch!
All the best,

I am almost 2 and a half years out from an anterior communicating aneurysm rupture and I have also found the times around my rupture anniversary very difficult. It does not help that my yearly follow up monitoring scans fall about a month after the rupture date. I think Moltroub is probably spot on with the observation that you may have PTSD. I known that is something I have struggled with since the minute I woke from surgery. Talking to a professional that is trained in dealing with PTSD and anxiety helps, and if you need more, there are meds that may also. I wish I could be more helpful, but I am still searching for answers myself. I just wanted to write and let you know you are not alone in all this.

Hi, I am sorry that your anniversary leaves you reminded of the bad parts. For me, I always get worried around my (now) annual MRI. I think others have it right, celebrating the anniversary of your recovery is a great idea. I am 4.5 years post ruptured aneurysm I still get bad spells of headaches. Maybe separate the anniversary, celebrate it and change your focus towards pain control. I have been seeing a Neurologist and after much trial and error, things are much better. Worth a try?

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Welcome kgettman! I look forward to your insight and support! I read your story and I’m really happy for you that you were able to return to work. That’s awesome!

All the best,

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for your advice/thoughts on this. I was actually pretty calm and not as sad i was was the year before. I took the 15th off of work and school and just had a self-care day (lots of netflix, favorite foods, and relaxing) with my boyfriend. He took the day off too since for both us it has become a day to just reflect and relax since that day effected both of us (we were going on our first valentines date when my aneurysm ruptured :/). I think since i wasn’t as sad or anxious this year maybe it’s getting better? I’ve learned that just talking about the situation with my boyfriend helps instead of keeping my thoughts in. Hopefully next year we’ll be able to celebrate my anniversary as well as valentine’s day without me getting too anxious and scared!! One step at a time! So happy to be a part of this group!

That’s great jar1997! I believe you and your boyfriend are on the right track. I think it’s much better if we own it, rather then let it own us if that makes any sense.

All the best,