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Tj, you are concerned about how long it will take you to recover. “When will I be myself again?” is a common reaction. Recovery from a brain injury can take a long time. It will help to belong to a support group like this one. You must also be patient with yourself, and with others. Other people will only see you from the outside. They can’t understand your anxieties or any changes in your behaviour. It might be useful to have Ativan on hand, for those times you are anxious or can’t sleep. You may have to educate your GP about this, so he will prescribe it for you. Most of all, be kind to yourself, and try to get others to be kind to you. This is a major, major event in your life, and should be treated as such. God bless you, and good luck!

David Andrus, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

WELL SAID DAVID!!! Helped me tremendously!

One of the things I'm learning from these online support groups is to start thinking about the new me. I'm not the same as I used to be and I probably won't ever be as sharp as I used to be. On the other hand, I've lost some personality issues that I'm happy to be rid of. I'm much less uncomfortable in social situations. Maybe it's because my brain doesn't work as well and I can't talk to someone and worry at the same time. Multi-tasking sure went out the window. It is possible that one's definition of recovery changes with time.

Hi David, what you wrote is so true. To be patient with yourself, and others. Other people will only see you from the outside. They can’t understand your anxieties or any changes in your behaviour, but most of all you need support especially from a group like this! Recovery from a brain injury takes time, and you will asked yourself, when I’ll be myself again? David, with love, and support from family, relatives, and friends. It makes the journey easier.
. I am a survivor also, still struggling with health issues. Everyday I thank God, for another day of life! My husband- my rock, and my kids- my helpers. Also BAF my Godsend. I found this site, in the latter half of my recovery wished I had found it earlier, would have saved me a lot of anguish. What is the old adage- “better late than never.” The survivors, on this site Rock! They are there for you, on any given day.

Hi Kimlin,

Actually, I did belong to a recovery group, out of Westgate University, in Georgia, I think. It helped me all through my ordeal, but it folded up recently, and I miss it terribly, so I went looking for another group and found this one -as you say, better late than never. Thank you for replying to my message. I’m glad you are doing so well.

David Andrus, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada