Question about numb head

I realize my head was numb after I had surgery. In fact, my surgeon made a funny comment at the time I last saw him about asking whether my head was still Mom? It has been. Now I realize that it’s starting to become a numb and I’m getting headaches and soreness. As the numbness wears off. Is this normal? ?

Yes, well that is, it was the same for me.
As those nerves that were severed reconnect and reestablish, the returning sensation can become rather intense. It took months before it felt ‘normal’. In fact, I think rather than it returning to normal, I become accustomed to the odd feeling of my scalp.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

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Hi Merle (@ModSupport),
I’m six weeks post surgery tomorrow. I had a contralateral craniotomy with 2 aneurysms clipped on the right, and three blister aneurysms wrapped with cotton and fibrin on the left. There is an area of numbness on the top of my head and on the right temple. Incision is a semi-circle on the right side of my head. I’m just curious if the numbness will go away?
Thank you for any feedback.

Hi @Abbycat70, how long did it take for the numbness to start going away?

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I had it in July and I still have a little numbness

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Hey Diane

I wouldn’t say the odd sensation goes away, but rather changes. I have the sensation of touch on my scalp BUT it doesn’t have the same sensation as before. Because the touch sensation is in the scalp, when they stapled my scalp together some of the nerves were facing out and… …OMG… touching it with a comb was like passing a high voltage current over my scalp :confounded: :face_with_spiral_eyes: I soon learnt to avoid doing that.

I’m 10yrs on since my last ‘major’ neurosurgery and it still doesn’t feel ‘normal’.

Merl from the Modsupport Team

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