Pipeline Embolization Device just around the corner!

Only 2 more days, and my aneurysm worries will be lessened, if not gone! Friday morning I will have my PED surgery at the Mayo Clinic in MN. My doctor, whom I’ve only met once, called me last night to assure me it will work out well. This has been of such comfort to me. I still cannot believe this minimally invasive treatment is available! I was scheduled for clipping–what a relief! I am relatively new here, but I have appreciated the support and information provided. I will post an update as soon as I can. God bless!

Wendy, the best of luck on Friday; I’ll pray for a successful outcome. I had a clipping done on April 20, 2011 followed by a staph infection in May. This required throwing away an infected bone flap (skull piece) and am now awaiting reconstruction surgery and the infection that has resurfaced. I don’t know if PED would have been a solution for me (coiling was not) but I’m glad that you can forgo the invasive cutting of your head! Keep us updated on your recovery.

Hi Wendy…You have my prayers for upcoming surgery…! Now remember to listen to your body and brain…it will need lots of rest…Cyber~prayers and hugs your way…Colleen


Best of luck.... two more days, I'm counting down with you and you know we will all be here waiting to hear your story after the PED surgery! Then you can be officially be welcomed with loving arms as the newest PED recipient of BAF and a full and complete member of the survivor group (which really is a group we'd all rather not be a part of, but are glad we have each other)

Please remember that after your surgery that you need to REST, REST, REST and then REST some more!! Your body and brain will tell you when it's time to slow down and take it easy, just please remember to listen to it and heed it's warning.

I'll be praying for you on Friday for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

Best wishes and prayers your way!



Hi Wendy, good luck and take it easy…
I’m probably the oldest Ped recipient in the Basf, so I can only pray for your successfull outcome.
Take care of you and keep us posted as soon as you can.


Prayers for you and successful surgery tomorrow! I'm glad you are having the minimal invasive surgery. It's a short stay in the hospital.

Big Hugs!,


Prayers are with you for tommorrow Wendy…! Cyber~Hugs…Colleen

Will keep you in my prayers