PICA Brain bypass

In 95, I was 25 when my first sah was clipped. It took me years to come back from that. A few years ago they found another also in the PICA region but on the other branch. My personal worst nightmare come true. The coiling began, 4 times, last time they also tried to stent it, which they couldn't get in. They call it a recurrant PICA aneurysm, which is apparently pretty rare. Two weeks ago I had my latest angiogram. By now I'm becoming an old hat at this. I realize what I'm seeing, I can read my Doctors eyes as he also saw. Did I mention, I'm a single mother of 3 sons, 24, 19, 14. My oldest and youngest live with me, the middle off to college. So far so good. I am very proud of the Men they are becoming. My oldest 2 grew up dealing and understanding all the issues that come with me. With this last one I had little choice but to include my youngest in this nightmare. When you hear brain bypass, you kinda realize things have to be decided and it has to be a group effort. Its hard to put on a brave face when inside I'm shaking. I want more time but I need to get 4 more years out of this brain. I have so much research over the years about brain aneurysm's, yet this is the first I've heard of this bypass as an option. It makes me feel like this is our hail mary pass. If anyone knows, understands or has information on a case like this, please pass it on.

Blessed be to you all,


Michelle, my Annie was clipped so I can’t answer your question, but I wanted to say what a wonderful mother you are and so brave. We wish you peace and lucky on your journey through this.


Thank you so much. They cant clip this one, I think because of the position of the first clip, the coils keep compacting. The way I understand it is I am less than .3 of 3 percent of brain aneurysms. Where do you go when even your Doctors don't agree on a treatment.

Again I have no knowledge but you have my Thoughts and Prayers and a Hail Mary coming your way right now...~ Colleen