Pain in groin following angiogram

I had coiling done in April, 2012 for a SAC aneurysm and then had a followup cerebral angiogram in August. The good news is that the coil is secure, but since then I have experienced pain in my groin. The doctor did order an ultrasound on my leg to be sure there were no clots - all was fine. I do not have problems with my leg, but it has been 2 months now and, although the pain has lessened some, I am still having pain in my groin. They are guessing that perhaps they hit a nerve, but they don't really know what is causing the pain. Has anyone else experienced this? Thanks!

Yes Dorothy ... my First angiogram I had pain because of a hemorrage...the second angiogram the pain was so bad that after one week we ended up in Er with them doing an ultrasound and I had a tiny little vessel bleed...the last angiogram I had pain in the groin because of a mynx they place in the area to help me to stop bleeding...(I am a bleed risk)...the mynx takes almost a month or 2 for the body to you see...not everyone has a perfect angio...good you are having an ultra~sound...keep us posted...~ Colleen

Hi Dorothy! Glad you're getting it checked out! Mine still hurts on occasion but I chalked it up to nerve damage. My chiro has had 5 angios done herself and she swears that it takes a very long time for your body to absorb blood from the healing, and then I think she said you can actually develop scar tissue there. She said she used a comb to go over the area a few weeks after it had healed over to help the process. Not sure I'd recommend that, but she swore by it.

Liam...sorry but I had a chuckle reading about the testicles...oh Bless your Heart...that had to hurt...~

Liam-hahaha- I agree with Colleen- Thank you for giving me a chuckle!

Ok, I definitely will stop complaining!

My pain is gradually improving. The PA just seemed surprised that the pain was continuing and that was at least a month ago. I guess that, like everything about this ordeal, we need plenty of patience!

I had my original cloiling and 3 more angiograms (4 in total) in the last 2 years. Each one was different. The last one (#4) two weeks ago is almost pain free already. However #2 hurt like #$!! for many months. I am sure they clipped a nerve when they used the closing device. It sounds like you are in the middle. From my experience they all eventually become non issues. Good luck!