One year angeiogramm

I go in for my second angeiogram on August 28th. I first one was in March and they found that the anurysm grew. I’m scaried…

Welcome to the group! Keeping you in my prayers! Lots of great people on here! Please keep us posted

hi Paige, thanks for sharing so now our thoughts & prayers will be with you! so sorry your going thru this but try to think good positive thoughts and remain calm as possible-im sure hoping this one will be more positive,praying now to ease your burden and fears-good luck- you are not alone

Hi Paige!!! You will be in my prayers for an awesome report!!! This is a great place for support as we’ve ALL been through some similar challenges!!!

Boy, I remember when I found out mine had grown, after almost 10 years of just sitting there. Keep your chin up, trust your medical team, and know we are ALL here for you. The people on this site are the most amazing people ever. Keep us posted.

Try and stay positive…we all will be praying!

Hi Paige:

So sorry for you, but it will be fine, you'll see. Are you afraid of the angiogram or that they find out that it grew again ?

I have been told some doctors do the CTA. Have you heard about that ?



Hi Jo.

This is nice of you to tell me that. You know, since then, I have been told by many doctors that if your aneurysm is small - mine is 5mm in the widest diameter - angiogram might be risky. Also it depends where it is located. You say you have CTA. THis is near the brain, meaning if the blood leek inside the brain, then it is a stroke or worst. I have been given the name of a very famous professor in Belgium and I have an appointment with him on the 7th. Some doctors say it's better to monitor it. So I think I decided to take my time before I decide.

What about you ? How big is you CTA ? OR SHOULD I SAY WAS ? Also, nobody talks about age and I think it's important. When you are 40, in my opinion, it's different from when you are 65. Don't you think ?

Tell me please: do you or people you know suffer from depression after or when they have this illness ?

Thank you

Please tell me about your aneurysm.


Hi joe:

I would love to talk to you personally. How can I do it? Please tell me. Thanks.
