One 8th Anniversary

Today is the 8th anniversary of the surgery to pin my right humerus shoulder...11 days after my initial emergency...Under anesthesia with my BP 131/50...and, not questioned with three records of black-out/syncope... My second emergency was two weeks later...the third emergecy two days later...

Removal of the pins was delayed several months...tho did not turn into metallic artifacts...

Hi Pat, happy anniversary! You went through so much but you’re here! We all benefit from your insight, experience and research. Thank you and take care, Mitch

Pat that's great news! Eight years is a long time, and you've clearly had a rough road. I admire your continued perseverance, and your dedication to all of us on this site. You are a trooper and an inspiration. Your knowledge and curiousity and caring mean the world.

Enjoy your day - I hope it's beautiful where you are!
