Now What

Not for long… :slight_smile:

Yeah, I know… the staples come out tomorrow!

Daphne — I've read all your entries and it looks like you pulled through just fine without the help of your insignificant other. And I too was hit by the big ginormous fucking truck! All the way out here iin California. That truck gets around.

Your swelling will go down as you heal. Give it time. And don't be too anxious to drive. You have to make sure your vision and response time are clear. You've been through a major ordeal so you have to be patient. Your photo looks just like me 10 years ago when I had my annie and clipping. It took some months before I felt "normal" again. Lots of fatigue and self-doubt. It passes.

Keep your sense of humor and everything will be fine.

((((((big hugs))))))))) ... Another Julie (in California)